Chapter 4: Coming out

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Noah POV

As we continued our journey through the woods, Cody and I found ourselves talking more and more about our lives back home. We talked about our families, our friends, and our dreams. As we sat by the campfire, the conversation turned to relationships.

"So, have you ever been in love?" Cody asked, his eyes shining in the firelight. I avoided his eyes, feeling my heartbeat in my throat.

I hesitated for a moment, thinking about all the times I had tried to push down my feelings for other boys. But now, sitting here with Cody, I knew it was time to be honest.

"Actually, Cody, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," I said, taking a deep breath. I knew I wasn't ready to admit that I liked Cody, but I had to at least tell him half the truth. "I'm gay."

Cody looked at me, his expression unchanged. "Really?" he asked with a small smile.

I nodded, suddenly feeling nervous. "Yeah, I've known for a long time, but I've never had the courage to come out to anyone before."

Cody smiled. "Well, I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Cody. I was really scared to tell you, but I'm glad you're accepting."

Cody put a hand on my shoulder. "Of course, Noah. You're my friend, and I love you for who you are, no matter what."

Tears filled my eyes. I quickly tried to wipe them. I hated crying in front of others, but I had never felt so accepted and loved before. 

Cody noticed my tears, gently pulling me into a hug. I couldn't hold back anymore. I sobbed into his chest, holding him tightly. Cody meant so much to me, and I've never in my life been so thankful to have been voted off of a show and miss my chance to a million dollars.

322 words

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