Part 8 - Not Out of The Woods Yet

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Ty's POV:
I could hear the nurses shout different codes. "Cold blue!" One yelled as another ushered me and Lyndy out of the room. "What's wrong with Mommy?" Lyndy cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. I picked her up and walked to the waiting room with her. I kissed her hair and rubbed her back. "I don't know Hunny, but she'll be okay." I whispered. She nodded and sniffed. I sat her on a chair and knelt down. "Lyndy, will you stay here while I call Aunty Lou and GG?" I ask her. She nods slowly. "Don't be long?" She says, though it sounds like a question. I nod and kiss her forehead. "Of course not." I smile and get up, dialling Jack's number. "Hello?" He says once he answers. I feel my eyes well with tears but I push them down. "Hey, um, Jack... Could you gather everyone and put the phone on speaker?" I ask, keeping my voice collected. "Okay... Why?" He asks, but I can hear him walking so I know he is getting everyone. "Just- Please Jack." I plead with him. I hear the phone being put on the table and everyone's conversations quieting down. "Go ahead Ty." Jack says. I clear my throat. "So... A-Amy went into cardiac arrest... W-well they said 'code b-blue' so I assume she did." I say, my voice breaking. I hear someone gasp and someone else sob. "I don't know if she... if she's okay." I continue. Everyone is silent. "Lou... Or Lisa... could one of you come and collect Lyndy for me? She shouldn't be here when... if Amy p-passes-" I couldn't bring myself to do this, to say that she might die. It was different a few days ago, she had been shot and lost a lot of blood and the doctors knew that. Why did her heart stop? What happened to make it stop? They didn't know it was going to happen, so they don't know why it did, right? I started spiralling so I whispered into the phone, "please?" Lisa answered first. "Of course Ty, I'm on my way right now. Jack, do you want to come with?" I hear her say in the distance. "Yeah, I will. Ty, I will be there in a few minutes, just hang tight." Jack says before hanging up. I nod into the empty phone. "Okay." I whispered.

Jack's POV:
I couldn't believe what was happening as Lisa drove me to the hospital. I stared, numbly, out the window. "Lis, I don't have a good feeling 'bout Amy." I whispered. Lisa didn't answer at first, instead placing her hand on my knee. "Neither do I." She admitted before we continued the drive in silence. We pulled up a few minutes later and I jumped out of the car and stormed in to Ty. "Any word?" I asked as I came up to him. He looked awful; his hair was a mess, he was pale and dark circles hung under his eyes. He shook his head. "No. No, nothing yet." He said, his voice strained and tired. I seen a doctor coming towards us. "Lisa, get Lyndy out to the car. Now." I hissed, nodding at the doctor. Lisa nodded and lead Lyndy to the car. "Ty Borden? We met yesterday. I'm Dr Greenland." She clarified. We both nodded. "H-how is she?" Ty asked. I crossed my fingers and prayed that she was okay. Dr Greenland's face was emotionless, no sighs pointing to any answer. "Please, have a seat." She says, making me sigh. I thought I was gonna hear the news. We followed her to a private room and sat down on the hard plastic chairs. "As you know, Amy was shot and lost a lot of blood. We did surgery to remove the bullet and we monitored her for several days. We had her on antibiotics and life support for 10 days." She says, even though we already knew this. "The risk of a blood clot increases after surgery, Amy developed a condition know as deep vein thrombosis. There was no intervening... we lost her... I'm so sorry." She says and my heart clenches. Amy was gone...

Author's Note:
I AM SO SORRY!!! I HAD TOO!!!! I hated writing that scene but I had to, i don't know enough about medical terminology in order to give the medical scenes the best possible context. Thanks to everyone who voted/commented, it's means a lot that you do it and I hope you continue reading despite my plot change. Thanks so much 🫶

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