Chapter 8

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After Wyatt has turned the key to the vault, there is a small light that catches Kira's sight.

"What's that?" She points at the object that's infront of them.

Derek walks to the area, and picks up a genie lamp. "It's a lamp, for a genie." He said.

"That's it?" Hayley asks, "No challenge. Just a lamp?"

"That's a good thing," Wynter said. "No one has to die."

"Rub it." Wyatt says.

Derek rubs the lamp, and a blue genie comes out of it.

"That's better," the genie said, glad to be free from the prison it was once in. Then it looks at everyone, "Well hello."

Wynter squeals. "Oh my god, are you at actually genie?"

The genie nods, "I am, and sense you set me free, I can grant one wish for all of you. Except, that all of you can't be free."

Wyatt face saddens. "Oh."


Everyone looks at Kira and they see her magic is going away. "I don't have much longer. Be safe, and come out of this alive. Please!" Kira vanishes.

"No!" Derek yells.

"It's back to being the four of us," Wynter said.

"Your wish is that I can revive only one of your friends," the genie said. "Who will you choose?"

"Jenna." Hayley said immediately. "She proved to us the most, and she fought hard."

"Willa," Wynter said.

"I agree with Wynter," Wyatt said."

Derek looks at everyone and he nods his head. "I've made my decision."

The genie nods at Derek, and Derek whispers who he wants to revive to the genie.

"Derek... who did you choose?" Hayley asks.


Kira appears and she looks at Laura and Parker. "I think they are gonna make it."

At a Charleston cafe, Jed is talking to Kit and Corki about his kiss with Ross.

"I knew it!" Corki grins, "I wish I made a bet with Sam."

Kit looks confused. "Who's Ross?"

"A guy in Jed's AA class," Corki responds. "Ross has been oogling Jed every time he walks in the building."

Kit laughs. "And I thought you'd stay single forever after Nina."

"Anyway, I'm trying to wrap my head around it, it just happened so fast." Jed said.

"So, do you like him?" Kit asks.

"Yeah... I do." Jed responds.

AA meeting.

After the meeting has been adjourned, Jed is making coffee when Sky walks beside him.

"Heard your friend left." He tells Jed.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss her, but she's doing what's right for Tara." Jed says.

"I'm surprised you're not sad, because people always leave you." Sky looks Jed dead in the face.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Sky whispers in Jed's ear. "Touch my best friend again, and I will kill you." Sky walks away, leaving Jed stunned.

Parker's House.

Braeden is in her room, putting Everett to sleep when she looks at her and Derek's wedding photo. She notices Derek is fading away in the photo.

"Cora!" She yells.

Cora comes running in. "What's wrong?"

"Come look at this," Braeden shows Cora the picture. "Derek is fading away."

Cora brushes her eyebrows in confusion. "Who's Derek?"

Braeden's she's widen. "Your brother! He and your wife are trying to save our dead friends."

"Braeden... There is no Derek, and I don't have a wife."

"I have to go," Braeden picks up a sleeping baby Everett. "Tell Cassie I said goodnight."


Braeden walk towards Laura, Parker, Kira, and Emma.

"We have a problem," she tells them. "No way remembers Derek and Hayley."

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