Chapter 7

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Nurse Sandy's House.

"Are you ready, Tara?" Sam asks her.

"Not really," Tara responds. "But I know you want to do this to protect me, but we have the Hales for that."

"I know, but we can't always depend on them... We have to go our own way."

Tara nods.

Sky and Mia's home.

Tara knocks on the door, and Mia opens it.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Mia asks her.

"I just wanted to come and say bye," Tara responds.

Mia brushes her eyebrows together in confusion, "What do you mean? Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, after the school shooting, and some other things that have happened, Sam wants to keep me safe... Away from Charleston."

Mia looks sad, "Oh. I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Tara and Mia hug each other both feeling sad, then they kiss each other.


"Wow, I can't believe this is where you went for college," Kit tells Jed looking around his room.

"Yeah, I know. So, what are you doing back in Charleston? I remember Jack telling me that you found a new hospital in New York." Jed asks her.

"Yeah, I did, but I wanted to come back and see how things were. How are you doing?"

"Fine, I guess. I have people coming and going if that counts."

Kit laughs. "I saw. First me, Georgia, Jack, Rosie, Maeve, and now this guy named Danny. What's up with him? I saw how cute he was."

"Yeah and he was all over my friend. Have you kept contact with the others?"

"Not really, but I'm glad I saw you. It was fun seeing a familiar face around here."

"Same to you."

Parker's House.

"I don't even remember why we were at the library," Talia says. "And why do we keep mentioning this Derek Hale guy?"

"Maybe you had a son," Peter suggests.

"Parker is my only son."

Eli walks into the room. "What's up with you two?" He asks.

"We are trying to figure out who this Derek Hale guy is." Talia tells him.

Eli brushes his eyebrows in confusion, "You mean my Dad?"

"No, Parker is your father."

Braeden walks into the room holding a sleeping baby Everett, "Can you all lower your voices a bit, he's sleeping."

"Sorry," Peter leaves.

Braeden rolls her eyes, "What's up?"

"Trying to figure out who is Derek Hale." Talia says.

"...My husband?"

"No, Parker is your husband."

"Oh no, Derek is my husband. Parker is his brother."

"What are y'all on?" Talia walks out of the room.

"Are you sure this Derek guy is my father?" Eli asks Braeden.

"I'm sure, I think I know who yours and Everett's father is."


The silence around everyone is loud. Two people has died in a challenge and they all know that has never happened before.

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