Parker groans. "Alright, let's go save some dead friends.

They all nod at Emma, to give her the go-ahead to cast her spell.

Once she's done, she aims in at a tree with a portable opening.

"Go dumbasses!" Laura demands with Derek going in first, with Hayley after.

The others starts going towards the portal but it closes.

"No!" Malia yells.

"What happened?" Kira asks Emma.

"I - - I don't know," Emma responds.


As the portal closes after Derek and Hayley runs in, they look at each other confused with the portal closed.

"What the hell?" Hayley said, looking confused.

"They'll figure that stuff out. Let's go." Derek demands as he starts running away, with Hayley looking at the the spot where the portal use to be, before following Derek.

Derek and Hayley crawls up to the entrance by some stairs looking at four guards, with a lady with a staff, and Medusa.

They watch as the lady with the stuff gives one of the guards a key, before opening a portal leaving threw it, with Medusa following after her.

"Let's go," Derek said tip-toeing away.


Derek and Hayley walks into the exhibit where the dead friends are.

They look at the others, trapped in some glass frozen in poses.

They look at their dead friends one by one, happy that they are alive, and sad that they are where they are.

Derek then looks at some tree stomp that holds some time of power and he has the urge to break it.

So he starts stretching at bit, getting a confused look by Hayley.

"What are you about to do?" She asks.

Derek doesn't respond, all he does is use werewolf strength to punch the tree stomp with the power and electricity goes all over.

Then the glass cases where their dead friends are, starts breaking one by one.

With Alec getting set free first, then Lori, Davina, Jenna, Willa, Corey, Wynter, Wyatt,

"Oh my god," Hayley said being shocked. "It worked."

"What the hell is going on?" Corey asked. "The last thing I remember is getting killed by Ken's staff."

"Yeah, you all died, and now you are back alive." Derek informs.

Willa looks at Wynter. "You died?" Then she looks at Wyatt. "And you died?"

They both nod their heads.

"Well isn't that just surprising. All of Theo's family members are dead." Davina states.

"What is going on?" Alec asks. "Derek, Hayley... Did you both die?"

"You missed a lot..." Hayley says.

"Look right now, I was told that I can save you guys by Theo. I have no idea where he is, but he told me to come save you all. The Collector collected your souls and brought you here as her exhibit."

"WHAT?!" Lori yelps.

"How about we all stop asking questions and start getting the hell out of here?" Hayley suggests with everyone agreeing with her.

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