
Jed is walking down the hallway, when he hears footsteps coming from the other hall. The person turns the corner looking at Jed.



They run into each others arms, hugging. Jed breaks the hug.

"What are you doing here?" Jed asks her.

"I'm in danger. I need your help." Emma stays quiet for a little longer. "Is there some place we could talk private?"

"Yeah, my dorm room's down the hall." Jed said as they start walk down the hall. Emma is quiet and Jed knows something is up. "You're never this quiet. Tell me what's wrong?"

"I'll explain in your room." Emma tells him.

"Is it about the magic realm?"

"I'll explain in your room."

"Did Kai escape the prison world?"

Emma sighs. "Okay, where is your room?"

"Right here," Jed opens his room door and they walk in. He closes is behind them as Emma walks further into the room.

She sees that the other half of the room is empty.

"Why is that side empty?" She asks.

"My roommate couldn't handle the supernatural world so he left. Okay, so what's wrong?"

Emma sighs as she lifts up her shirt sleeve to show Jed a glowing marking on her arm.

Jed looks at her confused. "What is that?"

"The reason I am here. I don't know what it is."

"Well, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine. But it started as speck on my arm.
Now it's spreading." Emma sets her bag down on Jed's bed and she pulls out a big book, opening it flipping through the pages. "I couldn't find anything in the conjure-pedia about it. I went to WITS Academy and see if Andi can help, but she couldn't. The library had nothing on it. So I went to Beacon Hills, the others couldn't help so they suggested I come here to Charleston. Hoping Derek might know something."

"We'll go ask him in the morning. Don't worry. I'll help you."

"Thank you. Also, no one can know I'm here."


"If anyone knew the Chosen One was... not well, it could cause a panic. We have to figure it out secretly."

Jed nods.


Parker's House.

Derek and Kira are looking shocked at Jed.

"I'll do everything I can," Derek said.

"Wait, Derek. You said you had something to tell me?" Kira asks him.

Derek looks between her and Jed. He sighs and he decides to tell them about the crystal.

"Theo is alive," he admits.

Now Kira and Jed are the ones that are shocked.

"H - - How? Ben's Dad killed him?" Jed asks.

"I don't know how, I just know that Scott found them. And I can bring them back."

"Whoa, what? Without extra help?" Kira asks him.

"I was gonna ask for all of your help once I have a concrete plan."

Hale Forever Book 4Where stories live. Discover now