I'm Dove, I'm 21, but because of my small size and baby-faced features, many people think I'm only 15. Although I don't mind looking young, people often underestimate me based on my appearance alone.

Also, no matter what I do, my parents still look at me like I'm a child, refusing to recognize that I'm an adult. Although it irritates me, it can also be a relief for my parents to not treat me as an adult all the time. The stress of worrying about less is like a weight lifted off your shoulders.

I'm an adult now, but still living with my parents, which is nothing to be embarrassed about.

People at school would make fun of me for being so pale. They would joke that I'd blend in with the wall if I got too close or just call me a ghost.

The ones who attempt to make themselves seem larger than they are by making others feel lower are the ones with the least amount of confidence. Does the vulnerability of the weak prove to be more powerful than the strength of the strong?

I just turn a blind eye to people like that and it's the best way to deal with them.

As a literature graduate, I am looking forward to the challenge of writing my first book. I'm determined to be a writer, and I take great inspiration from the heart-stopping suspense from the R. L. Stine's Goosebumps series.

I mustered up the courage to join an open novella contest on a well-known writing website. I'm not sure if I'm up to the challenge, but I'm ready to try it. My mum cautioned me against horror fiction, pointing out that it wasn't as beloved as romance. I knew she was right, but I couldn't bring myself to abandon my own personal style.

Fleur and Cosmo - my parents - have always had a certain magic, not the kind you can cast a spell with, but the kind that comes with the names they have. 

They found joy in crafting artworks - from sculptures to paintings - and selling them.

Their relationship was on the rocks and they argued every day. The arguing was over such trivial and ridiculous matters.

So they decided to move to a new home to keep the family together, hoping a change of scenery would be beneficial and help them avoid a divorce. Although it was a good idea, it is a difficult situation because of the conflicting personalities of my mum and dad - my mum being very strong-willed and my dad being more laid-back. His calm demeanor is a stark contrast to her short temper.

People say that opposites attract, but can two people with such contrasting qualities really have a successful relationship?

I was told the place we are going to is peaceful and serene, granting me a much-needed shelter to write my book.

"Dove, quit daydreaming and help us pack the car! Hurry!" I felt the vibrations of my mum's slap on the bedroom door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"S-sure, sorry!" I spoke haltingly, my words stuttering out of my mouth.

I looked around my room, feeling the weight of all the secrets this space holds. When I whisper my worries late at night, I imagine the walls absorbing my fears. Everyone has a few stories they wouldn't want anyone to know, right?

The walls are a comforting presence, a silent friend, and they will never pass judgment.

This place has been a part of my life for so long, it feels strange to think of saying goodbye. Even though I wasn't truly happy here, I got used to it.

Even if we were unhappy in this house, the memories we have of it, still create a sense of attachment and love.

With a sinking feeling in my chest, I take one last look around the room.

Ice Cream - You Scream! ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now