"I don't." I replied in a low tone, playing with my fingers. He waited for me to speak and did not say a word.

"Well, I dreamt about my baby's father." I released a deep breath. "He came in here, looking all angry because I left him and tried to kill me by strangling me. And I can't help but feel like he's a step closer to finding me."

"If I say I understand how you feel, I'd be lying to you and I. I'll never know it. But, I know for sure that he'll never find you here, and if he does, we'll take care of him."

I've never felt so assured, and I felt my heart tingles. I really do not know how to respond to his words.

"Never worry about your safety here, this place is fully secured. But, who am I to say that? All I want you to understand is that, you are safe and protected. You have gone through a lot, now is the time to be free."

"Thank you." I replied, knowing nothing else to say.

"I'll always be here if you need a listening here. Are you hugry? Would you like something to eat?"

"Um, no. I'll come down if I am." I say with a small smile.

"Okay, then. Sleep well." Zayn replied back with a smile and left my room.


"Here you go, enjoy your breakfast." A maid placed a large plate of food in front of me. It had a fried egg on top and some kind of meat inside it. I was so hungry that I started to eat right away despite the fact that I usually ate more slowly.

"The food is delicious, thank you." The maid smiled as she took my empty plate and left without another word.

I remember eating my mom's delicious meal and gossipping about our daily affairs, and my dad watching football matches. But now? I'm sitting here, hiding from a man whom claimed to love and cherish me.

My mind flashed back to when I was still living with my parents. We used to sit at the dining table and share meals with each other. My father would always help us wash up after we had eaten. He even made sure that he got all of the dishes clean before leaving them for my mother or I to put away later.

We were such a happy family! Funny how fast things can change.

I let out a sigh and went to sit in the living room to watch some TV. As I flipped through the channels, I started getting bored so I decided to knit instead. This was something I could do while I watched TV. I didn't have anyone else to talk to anyway.

After knitting for a bit, I heard someone come into the house.

"Hey, How are you doing?" I looked up and saw Zayn standing there. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes." I nodded.

He sat down a few seats away from me.

"I have something important I must tell you," He said.

I furrowed my brows and questioned him. "What is it?"

"Tyler thrashed Grace's apartment last night, but not to worry, she and her family are fine. They were not at their apartment when it happened."

I felt a chill run down my spine. No! If anything happens to them, it's on me.

Zayn continued. "They are currently staying with one of my friends until we get everything fixed."

"Ok." I replied, barely audible.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Grace and her family are in danger all because she help hide me away from Tyler's clutches. It's almost my fault.

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