Chapter 1: A trip down memory lane

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TW: [Eggsecution] by b3h3@d!ng, parent d3@th, gvn$, @lc0h0l, attempted $@ and [seggsual] h@rr@$m3nt, mentioned of mvrd3r

CW: V0m!t!ng

March 24, 1964...

Krus had a noose over his neck, wearing nothing but a shirt and pants in the cold, Russian winter.

"Do you have any last words before your [eggsecution]?" A shadowed figure asked.

"I know that me and my lover weren't supposed to get together. It was not a part of God's plan, and for that, I'm sorry that I'm not sorry." Krus replied, tears forming in his eyes for the first time in years. "My love for her and our boy is strong, and this will not change that. Go on and k!ll me, but please spare them. Give them a chance to live a normal life and clear out her record. She did NOT want to do what she did, nor did she want to be framed. She did not want to have such a tragic life. Please..." His voice became shaky. "This is all I ask of you."

The shadowed figure, the man who was sent to [eggsecute] him, muttered an apology as he prepared to k!ll him, holding back his tears.

'Goodbye, Rsch. Goodbye, Ruv.' Krus said in his mind, tears rolling down his cheeks as he closed his eyes, awaiting his d3m!$3. 'I will always love you both, no matter wha-'

Before he could finish his train of thought...

He was b3h3



"Hah...I actually got it to work." Rsch said. In front of her, a cassette recorder with a cassette tape on it could be seen.

Tears formed in her eyes. "I'm sorry. Ruvvy, if you ever find this tape, or have found my body, then I am so, so, sorry baby...

By now, you've probably heard the news of what's going on.

I'm sorry for abandoning you, Ruvvy.

I'm sorry for leaving you behind."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered what had happened minutes ago.


Rsch was running in the cold, Russian winter, holding Ruv, who was a toddler at the time and was sleeping peacefully.

She cursed underneath her breath as she saw the officers gaining on them. She knew that one of them was going to d!3 tonight, and she was NOT going to let her baby boy be that person.

She ran into an alleyway and looked around to make sure they weren't close by before putting Ruv down on the floor as she bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears.

She didn't want to leave him, but she had to for his safety.

She muttered an apology and a goodbye and gave him a kiss on the forehead before running off to her house, barricading all the doors, running to her bedroom, and getting the cassette recorder and tape that was owned by her lover.

Flashback ends...

"I understand if you hate me for my actions." Rsch continued. "The scar on your eye, your broken jaw, your father..."

She sniffled. "It was all my fault. I was a failure of a partner and a mother.

I can never make up for what I've done, and I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess.


The sound of a door breaking and yells could be heard.

"They're here..." She sniffled and wiped her tears, only for more tears to roll down her cheek. "I don't have much time now...

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