#1 - Sweet and Stubborn

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One Shot / Imagine #1: Sweet and Stubborn [Dylan Lenivy X Ryan Erzahler] - English Translation - If you're looking for the original German Version then visit my profile, there you can find the german OS Collections that meanwhile containts over 35 One Shots :) - have fun!

Note: Cute, Fluff - Not Rated/General - M/M - No Warnings

Translated by me - my apologize for any mistakes

"Agh fuck!" he uttered, cursing and hissing.

Ryan leaned his shoulder against a tree and felt for his ankle. It hurts. He had probably slightly sprained his foot. Damn that was really stupid! Such stupid things actually happened to him extremely rarely, if at all.

He wasn't usually a candidate to fall into the clumsy category. Usually something like that was reserved for others, such as Jacob, who was certainly the reigning champion at it. Although Max was certainly at the forefront as well, along with Dylan - his boyfriend.

But such mishaps that happened due to carelessness or overexcitement didn't happen to him. Never. That was completely Dylan's métier in their relationship. And yet Ryan was the one leaning against the tree trunk cursing and clutching his ankle.

He had been too distracted by his thoughts. That's why this mishap happened.Ryan had really enjoyed this week that he was able to spend with Dylan, but tomorrow he had to go back to his college, which unfortunately was a few miles away from Dylan's. As a result, they rarely saw each other. They both had their college plans, which were very different from each other, since their colleges were also in different states. It was therefore extremely difficult to find days when both had enough time to see each other. It wasn't that easy to find matching free time with two completely different task plans and schedules. Often, even on weekends, they're busy with projects, other duties, and general study, leaving no time to drive miles to see your boyfriend. And if one had some free time, then the other was scheduled with tasks. It was tedious and sometimes this circumstance tugged at the mind of both of them, but at the same time it was worth all the effort.

Because whenever they finally saw each other again after a long time and stood face to face in flesh and blood, then the overwhelming joy of seeing each other was all the greater and more precious. The pent-up feelings of longing then literally bubbled out of them.

They were on the phone a lot, but that wasn't the same. Still, it was always nice to hear Dylan's voice. Often Ryan simply put the phone next to him, doing little things for the college on the side and listening to Dylan's monologues for hours when he was talking euphorically about any topic, most of which had something to do with quantum physics and the universe. Dylan liked to babble a lot, Ryan not so much, but he loved to listening to Dylan, no matter what he was talking about. Dylan didn't seem to mind if he mostly spoke and made up their conversations almost alone, since Ryan rarely interjected anything. But it's always nicer if you could touch the other person or if you could feel being touched by him.

Often it was only a few days, just a weekend, when they could meet, but this time it had been more than a whole week - but unfortunately that was almost over.

Ryan had therefore already thought wistfully about tomorrow's farewell and therefore probably hadn't paid attention to where he was stepping and somehow sprained his ankle.

"Are you ok?" Dylan asked caring and worried. He put a hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Sprained your ankle, huh? Shall I carry you?"

Ryan gritted his teeth, managed a smile, and quickly waved him off. "No, no, all good. No worries. I'm fine. Half as bad."

Dylan raised an eyebrow in doubt, but nodded in agreement and stepped aside to give Ryan some space. The smaller one took a deep breath and carefully stepped on his foot as a test. He smiled contentedly when the expected pain didn't materialize. Perhaps he hadn't sprained it as badly as he had first thought and as the initial pain had suggested. However, as soon as Ryan shifted his weight completely onto his foot and wanted to take a step, an aching tug shot through his leg. The sharp pain immediately caused him to hiss and wince. Automatically he shifted his body weight again. This time to relieve his foot. So Ryan immediately dropped his shoulder back against the tree trunk again and grumbled under his breath.

[Eng] The Spark of Light in the Dark - Dylan x Ryan OS Collection [The Quarry]Where stories live. Discover now