Chapter 12- Hallowe'en

Start from the beginning

Though I knew what it was, I had to hear her say it herself. As a reader, I knew everything, but I had to let certain characters tell me things so no one got suspicious.

"Y/n, you probably think of me the same way they do. An insufferable know-it-all that no one wants to even associate with," Hermione choked out. My heart stung a little because I could feel her pain.

"I don't think you're insufferable, Hermione. In fact, I think you are the person I want to be around all the time! You're brilliant, friendly, and just amazing overall. Please Hermione, don't think so terribly of yourself," I encouraged.

"It wasn't me who said it, it was Harry and Ron!"

"Harry and Ron are wrong. I personally think they said it because they're jealous that both of their brains combined still couldn't match yours. They'd probably have to cast engorgio on their brains and then combine them, though I'm not even sure if that would be enough!" I earned a small laugh from Hermione. You grinned.

"Thank you, y/n," Hermione said, "you're a true friend." She opened the stall door, and I held my arms wide open for an embrace. Hermione hugged me, and then buried her face into my shoulder. I patted her back gently and rhythmically so I could reassure her.

Suddenly, I heard a very large thump. Then another. And then another. The troll was approaching, so I readied my wand. Hermione's face slowly lifted from my shoulder. I saw her look behind me, and her eyes reflected fear and the troll.

I heard the whoosh! of its club, as it destroyed some of the stalls. I whirled around and clutched Hermione protectively. I heard the familiar shouts of Harry, Ron, Draco, Cedric, Neville, George, Fred, and Mattheo from down the hall. Just as the troll was about to take its next swing and hit us, I cried out, "Protego!" A barrier instantly formed around Hermione and I just in time, and the troll's club hit the barrier.

The troll growled in anger, and I began to feel weary. I hadn't really practiced my shield charm much beforehand, so I had no idea that it would take this much concentration to maintain. The troll poised to strike again, and I wasn't sure that I could hold the shield for much longer. "Hermione, get ready to run!" I warned her.

Right as it was about to strike, I heard someone yell, "Over here pea-brain!" It was Ron Weasley. All 8 boys arrived, panting heavily.

Of course, Draco had to be dramatic and he said, "We're here to save you y/n! Or I am at least. Thank me later!" I rolled my eyes.

The troll's attention being diverted was the perfect time to strike. I let my barrier down and decided to disarm the troll. "Expelliarmus!"

I successfully disarmed it, but the trajectory of the club was unexpected to me. It started flying towards the boys, and there wasn't enough time for them to move or for me to stop it. Time slowed to a stop, and my heart beat frantically in fear.

Suddenly, time resumed as Hermione cried out, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The club began to levitate, and I saw all the boys underneath crouching and waiting for their doom. They all slowly looked up, and grins broke across their faces.

Just as they were about to celebrate being conscious and alive, the troll alerted us that it was still there with a growl of anger. "Everyone, lookout! I'm going to knock out the troll!" I warned them.

"You're that buff?" Said the Weasley twins, attempting to be funny. Everyone complied though, and I cast the spell.


The troll was knocked on its back, but I knew that it wasn't unconscious.

"Someone hit it with the club," I commanded.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Cedric recited calmly, and he floated the club over and I heard a loud bonk as he hit the troll's head.

As it passed out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ron rushed over to Hermione while the other 7 rushed to me.

"Are you okay y/n?" Harry asked.

"You must've been scared. Luckily I was there," Malfoy tried to boast.

"You stopped us from getting trolled!" Exclaimed the Weasley twins.

"You were so brave y/n!" Neville said, amazed.

"Not bad. You weren't scared at all," congratulated Mattheo.

Cedric was the most worried, or at least he voiced his concerns the most. "Are you okay y/n? Are you hurt? Where are you hurt? Are you going to faint? Want me to catch you?" He asked all of his questions back to back.

As I was about to speak, the professors all entered.

"What is with this ruckus–" began Professor McGonagall, but then she stopped as she saw the troll. "Goodness, we told you all to follow your prefects somewhere safe! 20 points from–"

"Shouldn't you reward them for their bravery Minerva?" Dumbledore cut in.

She threw him a WTF look, but then complied. "10 points to each of your houses, for sheer, dumb luck!"

As she turned around, Cedric said, "Actually Professor McGonagall, it wasn't luck. Y/n did most of this, with the help of Hermione."

"Oh really? Then what did the rest of you do?" She asked.

"Nothing. Y/n saved us all. She performed Grade 2 spells, and I didn't have to help," he said, making me out to be the hero.

McGonagall made a humming noise as she thought. "Fine, 25 points to Gryffindor for y/n's intelligence and proficiency in spells. Now, all of you to your dorms!"

I turned to face Cedric. "Thank you Cedric. That was kind of you."

"Anything for you, y/n," he responded, grinning boyishly. Harry cleared his throat and so did Malfoy. I turned my attention to the rest.

"Thank you boys for being so worried about me and coming over here. I really appreciate it." All the boys nodded and smiled. I smiled, as I had seen that the boys cared for me, I'd earned extra house points, and in addition saved Hermione. I was doing pretty well in the Harry Potter world.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed the double upload! Thank you for everyone who had voted on this story so far! I really hope you continue reading! Thank you!!

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