The planning

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                AUTHOR POV
    It was six in the morning when Seokjin woke up. He was super tired and groaned yet still got up. He walked to his younger sister's room. He opened the door to see his father sitting on the floor next to her, admiring her. He smiled and walked over and joined them. 
"How is she doing?"Seokjin asked
"For all I know she is sleeping peacefully for now."said their father
"I can't believe this even happened!"said Seokjin angrily
"We both can agree that she's so sweet and caring and this happened!"said their father angrily then Grace moved in her sleep and was mumbling.
"No, please stop."she mumbled basically begged
"Hey hey hey you're okay calm down."said Seokjin
"Please stop!"Grace cried in her sleep
"Hey calm down."said Seokjin
"Get off of me please. Please leave me alone."she cried panicking
"Hey please calm down. No one is going to hurt you. It's just me and appa. No one else is here."said Seokjin in a calm voice. He picked Grace up and put her on his lap. She then started to wake up.
"She's waking up."said their father
"Hey you okay?"asked Seokjin
"No, I feel disgusting."said Grace
"Then let's go to the bathroom and get you washed up."said their father
"Yes please."Grace said nodding her head tiredly 
   Seokjin then picked up Grace and walked her to the bathroom.
    He sat her on the counter and turned on the water. He grabbed a towel and told Grace to take off her clothes and get into the tub. He held the towel so he couldn't see her body. He also looked away so he couldn't see her body. Then she told him she was finished. Seokjin moved so she could get in the bath. Then she got in and then took off his clothes except his boxers and went in. He then started getting everything ready for her.
             AFTER THE BATH
   After they were done, Seokjin got her clothes ready.
He picked this outfit. He thought it was cute. 
"Hey little one, I think this will be cute on you."Seokjin said happily
"No no noo. I don't want that."Grace cried
"Why? You love these types of clothes."he said
"No I don't want it."she cried
"But you love wearing these clothes?"He thought that the necklace's effect hadn't worn off yet.
"Okay pick what you want I'm going to my room and get changed."Seokjin said calmly and Grace just nodded
Grace changed into something more oversized. She looked in the mirror and cried. She slid down the wall and pulled her knees to her chest. She hated herself. She felt like she let her family and friends down. She heard a knock on her door. 
"Little one you okay?" She heard
"Please leave me alone."she said quietly
"No I can't. I'm worried about you."the voice said
"I hate myself."she said
"Why? Cause you couldn't protect yourself?"the asked
"I let you and Appa down."she said
"How could you have known this would happen? It's not your fault at all. He doesn't blame you. I don't blame you. You're still a kid and kids get course. You just thought something was happening to me and that shows you care."he said
"I'm not a kid anymore, not after this happened."Grace said crying 
"Hey you're okay just let me in. Please let us help you with this. Don't go through it alone."he said
"Jinnie please."she cried
"Hey I'm here."he said in calm voice
"Save me!"she said
     Then he heard her start crying again. Then he opened the door to see her sitting on the floor curled up. He didn't hear her cries, he didn't hear anything in her room. He walked over to her and didn't hear her cries and saw she was passed out cold. He picked her up and placed her on the bed. He then was going to walk out but he heard her mumble something. He turned back to see her sitting up tiredly. 
"Hey little one you okay."he asked
"I'm okay, I think."she said
"You think?"Seokjin said 
"Yeah I'm not 100% sure. I just blacked out and then I heard this voice but I didn't know what they were saying. Then I woke up on the bed."Grace said
"Hey you're okay."said Seokjin reassuring her
"I'm okay I'm okay."Grace said repeating and calming down
"Good."said Seokjin
"I'm hungry."said Grace cutely
"Then let's go eat."Seokjin chuckled
    Then Seokjin led her to the kitchen and they met their father in there with a victim lying dead on the floor. 
They both looked at the victim and walked to the island to grab the food from the stove.
“OMG you made tteokbokki.”said Grace in excitement
“Yes i did, you honestly surprised?”said their father
“You usually don’t really make food only on special occasions.”said Seokjin taking a seat at his spot
“Okay so I made food why are you so skeptical.”said their father laughing to himself
“Well while you two keep talking about whatever you're talking about I’m starving so I’m going to eat.”said Grace as she took a bite of food
    Seokjin started to eat the food. Both the siblings were eating away as their father was watching them happily that both his kids are happily eating. Then their father walked to the fridge and grabbed a big bottle of blood and poured it into two cups and gave them to his kids. 
“So today I have a mission for you two.”their father said
“We just got back from Seoul and what Grace went through you want her to go out again!”said Seokjin angrily
“It's not big, just need you two to go to Hybe and to your friends house and bring your friends back. Make it casual.”he said
“That's not too bad, just make sure the boys don’t see the girls when we get here.”said Grace
“Not a bad plan. Also the boys and our manager have been texting me nonstop.”said Seokjin embarrassed
“Yeah you two should get to your friends.”he said
“When do you want to leave?”asked Seokjin
“In a little bit I want to change and then we can leave.”Grace said
“Okay.”said Seokjin proudly 
“Would I be able to ride my bike or do I have to drive?”asked Grace
“I’ll have some of the men bring the car for you.”said their father
“YAY, I’ll go get changed.”said Grace excitedly
    They then both left for their houses. Seokjin was a little nervous. He kept overthinking how this would go. He thought about how he was going to kidnap his best friends and his father was going to force them to be a vampire. Also thought about how they were going to know about his real identity. They were going to find out that he was a killer, a cold blooded killer to be exact. He then saw that he arrived at their dorm.
   He walked in and heard people yelling and glass breaking, then he heard feet pounding on the floor. Then he walked into the living room and saw his members running and their manager running after them, he also saw bang-pd running after the boys too. They all stopped when they saw Seokjin.
"Hi?"said Seokjin confused
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!"said their manager and Bang-pd
"Oh uhhh I went to my house and stayed the night because of a last minute issue."said Seokjin somewhat saying the truth
"Why didn't you call us?"said Namjoon 
"My phone was dead so I could call you so I just figured one night won't be an issue. I see I was proven wrong."said Seokjin not amused
"So you just leave the group when were out and then not show up because of a family issue that you just saw not that long ago."said Bang-PD
"I'm sorry but I'm back now and I won't be leaving."said Seokjin bowing
                 SEOKJIN POV
   It's been almost 3 hours since I got back to the dorm. Everyone was doing their own thing. I need to start the plan but the manager and Bang-pd won't leave for the plan to start. I keep trying to encourage them to leave but they won't. Soon I need to start the plan so I won't get in trouble with my father. I started to text Grace and see how the plan was working for her. I went into my contacts and found her ID.
🦋🐋little one💜💙
Hey, how's the plan going for you?-S
Kinda going good I'm starting to get them to let me take them out. Why?-G
I can't get the manager and Bang-pd to leave yet I got the members on board to go for food.-S
Damn that not good cause you can't just leave with the members-G
What do I do?-S
Ummm try faking an emergency at Hybe?-G
Like hack into Hybe so they both have to leave?-S
Only Bang-pd will leave the manager won't leave because of the fact it won't involve him.-S
It will still work cause Bang-pd will need to leave and you would only have one person to deal with.-G
Okay I'll try that.-S
See you later-G
Bye love you-S 
Love you more-G
                    AUTHOR POV
     Then Seokjin went to work. After almost an hour he hacked into Hybe. It was easy for him cause when he was 5 his father had him hack into government secrets for a homework assignment and he of course got an A. He then started messing around creating a big problem in the system. He then heard a phone go off and angry yelling then the door slamming. He laughed to himself. He then stole some Hybe secrets just in case he needs it for later. 
       After 10 minutes he came down to his members looking nervous and the manager panicking. 
"Is everything okay?"asked Seokjin pretending to be confused
"No it's not you didn't hear Bang-pd getting a call and storming out angrily?"said the manager pissed
"Well yes but I thought it was something harmless."said Seokjin completely lying and proud he did a good job
"Well the company's tech is completely shut off and files are missing important information. Also songs are missing and recordings."said the manager freaking out
"Omg it's that serious."said Seokjin in fake shock
"Well yes! I'm going to head over and make sure at least some of our songs and recordings are safe."said the manager grabbing his stuff
"You're going to call us?"said Namjoon
"Yes and I'll tell you the news."said the manager heading out
"Wow I can't believe that happened, nothing this big ever happens."said Taehyung
"Yeah same."said Hobi
"I'll make some food for you guys so you'll feel better. okay?"said Seokjin

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