The Church of the Wild Ones

Start from the beginning

A sigh. Then, "Look, Andy, I know you're not ready, I know you don't want to leave CC, but you've got to be a part of this―we're hoping Kian'll be able to tell us what she is, and hopefully bring you a little closure."

Andy sighed. "Alright. Alright." He looked at CC for a moment more, then opened the bunk's curtain and slid out.

"You look like hell," Jake said almost as soon as Andy had straightened up.

Andy raised an eyebrow, taking in Jake's unkempt hair and rumpled clothes, suggesting he'd not had an easy time of it either. "I could say the same about you."

Jake shrugged. "You know it's not been an easy few hours."

Andy couldn't argue that point, and allowed Jake to lead him back to the crew guys' bunks.

Jinxx was already there, as were Kian and Yanni, the latter of whom immediately surveyed Andy. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Andy looked at him flatly. "Do I look okay?"

Yanni shrugged. "Fair enough, but I had to ask anyway. Last night was rough for you." He turned to Jake and Jinxx. "It was rough for all of you, come to think of it. Are you okay?"

The guitarists exchanged a look. "We could be better," Jake said.

Jinxx reached for his hand. "But we're okay, I think."

Yanni nodded. "How's CC?"

"Still out," Andy mumbled, already wanting to be back in the bunk with him. "If he doesn't wake up in the next hour or two we're gonna have to cancel the show."

Jake took Andy's hand with his free one and gave it a gentle squeeze. "He'll be fine," the guitarist murmured.

Andy certainly hoped so.

"Where are the others?" Jinxx questioned Yanni.

"Distracting Ash," Yanni replied without a moment's hesitation. "You said you didn't want him to know, so we're keeping him away for the moment."

Andy offered Yanni a brave attempt at a smile, touched that he was willing to go to such lengths to appease him. "Thank you," he murmured.

Kian stepped forward. "Alright, where's the girl?"

Yanni gestured to a covered bunk across from where CC's drum tech slept. "She's in there. I don't think she's woken up yet."

Kian frowned. "That's concerning." He stepped forward, towards the bunk; somewhat unwittingly, Andy allowed Jake and Jinxx to lead him forward as well.

Kian pulled back the curtain of the bunk, and Andy got his first good look at Jasmine since they'd gone inside to play the show. She lay still and pale but breathing, the bite marks in her neck completely gone―no sign of what he'd done to her other than the fact that she wasn't showing any indication of waking up anytime soon. Andy's stomach gave a guilty lurch just looking at her.

Kian's reaction, however, shocked them all.

The doctor hissed―actually hissed―and backed away a few steps.

"Kian!" Jinxx exclaimed. "What the hell?"

"She's Fae," Kian hissed.

"Fae?" Jinxx sounded surprised. "She doesn't look Fae."

Kian shook his head, staring warily at the girl. "Half-Fae. I misjudged. From the scent, some sort of water faerie―a siren or a selkie, maybe."

"How's that even possible?" Jake questioned, voicing what Andy was sure was on everyone's minds. "Being half-Fae?"

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