
978 31 25

Y/N stood there shocked and surprised. How did Michael find his house? Why did he come back? 

"Uhhhh hi Michael.." Y/N laughed awkwardly while he stepped back a few places.

Michael only responded with a tilt of his head and with heavy breathing. Y/N realized that Michael was covered in new blood and other unknown substances, maybe dirt. In his hand was a knife, also covered in new blood as well. 

"Would you like me to wash your clothes?" Y/N asked, still feeling awkward.

Michael, being the one with no etiquette, stripped right then and there. 

"What the hell?!" Y/N yelled as he looked away. "Your not supposed to do it here!" he added.

Y/N averted his eyes and looked over by the pantry. 

"If you need to take a shower, there's a bathroom upstairs. The water should be warm. When you get back down I'll have supper prepared and have your clothes in the wash." he said.

Michael didn't hesitate as he walked upstairs to the bathroom. Y/N sighed as he picked Michael's clothes from off the floor and headed to the basement. 'What is wrong with some people?' he thought. Y/N made his way to the washer and threw the bloodies clothes inside, putting some laundry detergent in and starting up the machine. He soon made his way back up to the kitchen, which there was still a rough breeze coming through the open door.

Y/N shut the door gently, reminding himself to securely lock it so no one else got in. After, he made his way to the fridge and found some ground beef that he could make into tacos.  Y/N heard the sound of the shower turn on upstairs and he started cooking the taco meat. 

After the meat was all brown, Y/N got bowls ready with lettuce, tomato cubes, and sour cream. Finally, a few minutes later, Michael came downstairs with only a towel around his waist. Y/N looked Michael's way and instantly screamed. 

"Jesus Michael! Put some clothes on!" he yelled, putting his hands over his eyes.

He felt awkward looking at Michael in nothing but a towel and mask, but he did have to admit that Michael was pretty toned. 

"Inside my room, there should be sweatpants that will fit you and maybe a sweatshirt." Y/N said, trying to calm himself down.

Michael only responded with a low grunt and went back upstairs to Y/N's room. He sighed as he got a plate out for him and Michael and made himself a taco. After a few moments, Michael came back down in just sweatpants and his mask, though it was better than before. He walked towards the kitchen counter and stood there, making eye contact with Y/N. They just stood there for a few moments before Y/N spoke up.

"You can make yourself a plate and eat in here. I'll be in the living room, where you can come when your done eating." 

Michael just nodded in response as Y/N left the room and went to go sit in the living room. Michael sat at the table after making himself a taco and took off his mask. He ate the taco and put his mask back on, then made his way to the living room.

"Hey Mike." Y/N smiled while petting Fluff on her head.

Michael just stood there, menacingly. Y/N stopped petting fluffball and patted the seat next to him.

"Come sit Michael," Y/N said calmly.

Michael made his way over to the chair and slowly sat down. At first Fluffball was scared, but when Michael got comfortable, she crawled over onto his lap. Michael looked down at her and just stared, not knowing what to do. Eventually he started petting her but he was extremely careful not to hurt it. 

Who knew that someone so large could be a sweetheart sometimes?

Y/N looked at the two of them, "how adorable" he thought. He then turned on the television to a show called The Monkees and started getting drawn into the plot. Y/N laid his head on Michael, who tensed up in response. After a few moments, Michael moved his arm to around Y/N's waist. Soon the both of them were drowned in the show.

Michael's POV

When Y/N laid their head on my shoulder, it really surprised me. He does know I'm a murderer right? He really is an interesting man- not to mention- short. If anyone ever touches him, I will fucking ruin them. He is mine and only mine.

~𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑦𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟~Where stories live. Discover now