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The first thing I expected her to do was to lash out and scream: 'You're wrong!' But no, she didn't do that. Instead, her expression turned dark and she gritted her teeth. "Carter, huh?" she asked. I nodded and gulped upon seeing the angry look in her eyes. "No one, and I mean absolutely no one, has any right to touch or hurt my sister. Carter Clyde will pay for what he has done. Come on, girls, let's go." the cheerleader said, and with that, turned on her heels and walked away, the two other cheerleaders and Cherry following closely behind. Cherry glanced over her shoulder once to look at me with anxious eyes, and I gulped. I almost feel bad for her... I shook my head and went back to reading my book, the cheerleader's angry gaze now stuck in my head.


When school finally ended, I didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried. Whatever happened, I had to make sure to not run into Carter. Don't run into him, don't run into him, don't run into him- "Oomf!" was all I said when I collided with someone as I was walking down the hallway. Upon seeing Carter's face, I immediately turned around and ran away from him. "Hey! Vivian!" he cried out. I held onto my backpack's straps tightly as I ran down the hallway. When I reached the exit, I sighed with relief and pushed the doors open with my shoulder. I have to get home as soon as possible.


I took the bus and only arrived home at five o'clock. There was traffic in a lot of places, so all that waiting eventually amounted to a total of two hours of waiting time. I stepped off the bus and thanked the driver and darted down the sidewalk, keeping my eyes on the ground as I ran in the direction of my house. I passed a few people who were outside, and I ignored their curious gazes as they watched me pass by them. I didn't want to give them explanations as to why I was running home instead of the calm walking I had always done. I would have to explain myself to them later. When I rounded the corner and spotted my house, I nearly fell over with relief. I was finally home after what seemed like forever. I went up the steps, grabbed my keys from my pocket and put the one key I needed into the keyhole. Once I heard a click, I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that Carter Clyde was sitting on the couch with his fingers crossed on his lap, and that he was smiling at me. The second thing I noticed was that my mom was cooking in the kitchen, humming a tune to herself. I gawked at her for a few seconds before focusing on Carter, who was still smiling at me. I felt my face fall flat and my expression darkened. "Mom." I said, and I saw her, still with my eyes on Carter, turn around to look at me. "How did he get in here?" I asked, gritting my teeth angrily. She smiled at me. "Oh, Vivian. This nice young man here told me he was going to pick you up to go to the movies, but he said that when he tried asking you if he could come earlier than seven, you didn't reply. So he came here around four thirty and said that he was sorry about the time change." she explained. I continued gritting my teeth and curled my hands into fists, my gaze still on Carter, and his eyes still on me. "Mom, he's the new kid I was telling you about. The one who was acting like a total creep in school." I told her. I saw Carter wince from my words, and I had to keep myself from grinning. "What?" my mom asked, glancing between Carter and me, her expression confused. "Can I talk to him... alone? Please?" I asked, gritting my teeth so hard there was pain in my mouth now. "Sure." was all my mom said, and went back to cooking. I motioned with a slight nod of my chin for Carter to follow me. He got up from the couch and followed me down the short hallway. "Where are you leading me to? Your bedroom?" he asked, curiously. I felt like punching him in the face, but I kept the urge inside as I told him: "No." He chuckled. "Your parents' bedroom, then?" he asked. "No." I said. When we reached the door before the one leading into my bedroom, I placed my hand on the doorknob and gave him a hard look. "This is the laundry room." I told him, bluntly, and opened the door. He sighed sadly and glanced down at the floor. "Of course it is." he muttered under his breath, before walking into the room.

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