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My first instinct was to run, hide, do anything else other than stare at the sight in front of me. It seemed almost all too unreal to be true. But yet here it was, plain as day, right in my face. He didn't even bother to hide the bite marks he left on the cheerleader's neck when he pulled away. He just licked the blood away and said something to her, and then, just like that, her eyes turned from pink back to their original blue. He pointed to the right, and the cheerleader walked away, keeping her head down as she did so. She hugged herself, and I saw that her lips were trembling. What the heck did he do to her? Suddenly, I felt a gaze linger on me and I had to look away from the cheerleader to meet Carter's eyes, who still hadn't moved from the shady spot in the back area of the library. He was staring at me with a cold gaze, and it only took me a few seconds to realize that his eyes weren't their usual color, but instead, they were a deep scarlet. I gulped, and my grip on the strap over my shoulder tightened. What should I do? Should I run? Go home? No, he'll probably follow me and then he'll know where I live. But if I remove my makeup... then maybe he won't recognize me. And it won't be that big of a deal because no one but my mom has ever seen me without my KISS inspired makeup. So it was worth a try. So, with nothing better to lose, I turned on my heel and headed back to the school.

I entered the school through the same door I had exited from, and literally ran up the many flights of stairs to get to the second to top floor. I walked down the long hallways, and rounded a few corners, and once I spotted the door to the girls bathroom, I sighed in relief. I entered the girls bathroom, shut the door behind me and locked it, just to be sure that nobody except myself saw me without my makeup. I had checked the hallway twice before I entered the washroom to make sure that I was entirely alone on the floor, and that when I eventually exited the bathroom, nobody would know it was me that entered the bathroom and took off my makeup. I set my backpack on the counter then grabbed a few paper towels and wet them using the water coming out of the dripping faucet. Then, leaning towards the mirror, I drew the paper towel over my makeup and down my face, slowly but surely, taking off the makeup.


After what seemed like forever removing my makeup in the girls bathroom, I packed up my things and took a quick glance at myself in the mirror. My black hair fell a little past my shoulders in natural waves, and my fair skin was a little bit whiter than usual from the amount of white paint I had used to cover my face this morning. I hoisted my backpack over my shoulder and exited the bathroom after unlocking the door, and checked both left and right before making my way down the hallway. I had brought extra clothes with me, so now I was wearing black shorts and a pink crop top; I was still wearing my high black boots, though. But at least it was a slight improvement from what I was wearing before. At least now when I get home my mom won't yell at me for not wearing appropriate clothing. She hadn't checked what I was wearing this morning because she had left a note saying she had to leave early for work. I was fine with that though. I was a survivor, and she knew that, so she was totally okay with leaving me home alone for thirty minutes to get ready to get to the bus stop. When I had reached the exit door of the school, I checked behind me to make sure that nobody was around. Once I was sure I was entirely alone, I opened the door and stepped outside.


My hand trembled as I held my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Should I call my mom? Tell her what happened? No, she won't believe me. I sighed in defeat and shoved my phone in my pocket, fixing my backpack's strap over my shoulder and decided maybe it would be best if I just didn't tell anyone about what happened. I would avoid future conflicts and interrogations that way. I didn't see Carter around, so I supposed it was safe as I stepped onto the sidewalk. I held my head up high as I walked towards the bus stop for bus four forty-one. It wasn't a long wait, but just sitting there, on the bench, surrounded by people, I swore I was going to pass out from claustrophobia, despite myself being in an open space. When the bus finally arrived a few minutes later, I stepped in front of a few people, ready to jump on the bus the minute it opened its doors. I'm sure that I must've made a few oopsies making my way to the front; I could feel everyone's gazes on me as I stepped up onto the bus and scanned my card. When the light showed green, I smiled to myself and glanced around the bus. There were surprisingly not a lot of people, so I sat in the back, placed my backpack on my lap and hugged it close. I rested my cheek on the top part of my bag and closed my eyes. Now let's just hope Carter doesn't figure out who I am and follows me home.

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