chapter 2

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Dinner was quiet,Jay Nya and Zane still hadnt returned.Kai didnt bother to show up so it was only Wu Pixal Cole and Akita eating.Cole had cooked so no one was in a rush to finish eating.
"I wonder how Zane and Nya and Jay doing" Pixal commented attempting to break the silence
Cole caught on"Yeah!I wonder if they got a lead?"
"What dis they go to do?" Wu asked setting down his fork
"They went to check out some reports of explosions in Ninjago City" Pixal explained.
Kai walked into the kitchen to grab a can of soda,"Please Join us Kai"Wu said gesturing to an empty chair.
"No" Kai mumbled shutting the fridge
"It wasnt a option"
Kai reluctantly sat down"I'm not hungry"
"Thats alright" Wu asured"I juat think ot would be good for you to join us"
"None of you guys seem upset that Lloyd's Dead!"
Akita dropped her fork,it clattered to the floor she took out a peice of paper and scribbled something on it,She rested her head on her hand for a second then stood up"Pardon me"The formling walked right past Nya Jay and Zane who had just come in
"Any luck?"Pixal asked the returning Ninja
"We found this" Zane said placing a rectangular object on the table
Pixal studied it"Is this a bomb?"
"A faulty one" Zane clarified"But look at this mark thats on it"
Cole turned the bomb towards him"Isnt that Kai's parents symbol?"

Akita sat on the floor of her room rocking back and forth"Deep breaths"She whispered"Stop switching It wont do anything"
Evenentually Akita stood up she reached under hed bed and pulles out a gem green power glowed inside it.

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