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"Lyla, get your arse out of bed!" Anais shouted and chucked a pillow at my face, making me wake up and I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. "We're not going to stay in your room all night! We're going out because it's my last night here." Anais complained and sat at the end of my bed.

I let out another groan and pushed myself up on my headboard. I checked the time on my phone and it was 6:00 pm and I haven't left my room for the whole afternoon as I had been fired from my job this morning.

Me and Anais had been best friends since we were born as our parents are close friends and my mum made Noel my godfather. When we moved to Dublin a couple of years back, me and family would always go and spend the summer with them or they would come here. Anais has been staying with her mum for the past few months and she came to Dublin to spend her last days with me before she goes back home.

As it was her last night before she goes back home tomorrow morning, we had decided to go to the pub with a few of her mates that are in a band called, 'Inhaler'. I don't usually like meeting new people mainly because I get awkward and nervous but Anais kept telling me they wanted to meet me and she always talks about them.

I kicked the sheets off and finally dragged myself out of bed to refresh myself with a shower. After I finished washing my hair, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Anais was looking through my wardrobe as I walked back into my bedroom.

"What are you wearing?" She asked me as I headed out to my balcony. I placed a cigarette between my teeth and lit the end of it. I wasn't a heavy smoker and I know isn't good for me but I usually smoke to avoid awkward situations or to relieve stress.

"I don't know, I'll probably wear my David Bowie shirt, black mini skirt and converse," I shrugged and leant my arms on the balcony railing. My eyes flickered to the city below me as I thought about what I was going to do with my life now that I don't have a job.

"What these?" She said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She was holding up a pair of my knackered converse that I wear mostly everyday.

"What? They're comfortable." I shrugged and finished the cigarette. "Fine, i'll wear my Doc Martins." I said as I walked over to the pile of clothes on my bed that she had organised for me.

We was at the my local pub and it was surrounded with faint music and loud chatter. I was already on my 2nd drink of the night as we waited for her mates to show up. Hopefully drinking will help me forget that i've lost my job so I can enjoy myself instead of staying in bed and being miserable. I wanted to spend time with my best friend and have fun on her last day.

"I'm just going to the toilet. They're on there way now so they should be here any minute now. I won't be long." Anais said as she stood up from her stall and walked towards the restrooms.

"Can I have another Vodka and coke please." I called out to the bartender and he nodded at me taking my glass to refill it.

I payed for the drink and picked it up. I swung my handbag over my shoulder and hopped off the bar stool and went to find somewhere to wait as it was getting really crowded and overwhelming near the bar area. I didn't see the guy in front of me as I was too busy focusing on not spilling my overpriced drink.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as my drink spilt on a guys shirt and the bottom of my skirt.

"Oh my god. I'm...I'm so sorry!" I rushed out looking at the guy in front of me but dropped my head to the floor to cover my embarrassment.

"It's alright, don't worry." The guy smiled and chuckled. I wiped the bottom of my skirt and he brushed his shirt down and smiled softly at me again.

He had wavy brown hair, brown eyes and he had a patterned shirt on with a black leather jacket, navy blue flared jeans and black boots.

"Fuck... I feel really fucking bad. Let me buy you a drink." I said chewing my bottom lip.

"No no, it's fine. I wasn't watching were I was going." He laughed. "I'll buy you a drink instead." He smiled.

"I spilt my drink on you and now you're offering to buy me a drink?" I raised a brow and he nodded and chuckled.

"I'll have a vodka and coke, please." I smiled gratefully and thanked him.

"I never caught your name." He said leaning on the bar after paying for the drinks.

"I'm Lyla Young." I smiled and sipped my drink and he raised his eyebrows.

"Lyla? So you're Anais's best friend she is always talking about?" he wondered.

"That would be me." I replied. "I hope she hasn't told you anything bad." I laughed.

"No, it all good. I'm Ryan, Ryan McMahon" He said and held his hand out for me to shake, I placed my hand in his and he shook it gently. "Lovely to finally meet you Lyla." he smiled.

"This has to be my worse first impression." I chuckled and ran my fingers through my hair awkwardly.

"Ryan!" Anais shouted and wrapped her arms around him tightly as she approached him. "How are you doing?" She asked him.

"I'm great thanks. How are you?"

"I'm good. So you've already met Lyla?" She asked him.

Ryan laughed, "Yeah, she spilt her drink on me." He said which made Anais laugh loud and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Anyway, Where are the others?" Anais asked smiling.

"The lads are other there." He pointed to a booth in the corner of the pub with three guys arguing with each other. "We've all missed you and they're really excited to meet Lyla."

I followed them over to the table and my stomach was in knots as they all turned around and smiled at us and cheered. They immediately stood up from the booth they were in and welcomed Anais with hugs then all eyes turned to me.

"Anyways, this is Lyla." She said with her arm around my shoulder, "Eli, Josh, Rob and you've already met Ryan." Anais pointed to her friends one by one. I swallowed the lump in my throat and managed a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you Lyla." Robert said as he greeted me with a welcoming hug. "You can called me, Rob or Bobby. Whichever you prefer." He smiled softly.

"Hi bobby. It's nice to meet you." I said and hugged him back.

"Hi Lyla, I'm Josh." Josh said and hugged me gently.

"So you're the famous Lyla." Eli smirked and hugged me.

"Yep, that's me." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm Elijah, but most people call me Eli." He smiled flirtatiously.

"Nice to meet you, Eli." I smiled softly.

"C'mon Lyla, you can sit next to me." Anais said, moving next to Ryan so I can sit in between her and Elijah on the booth they were sharing and Bobby and Josh sat on the chairs on the opposite side of us.

"Me and Josh will grab some drinks." Bobby said. "What would you like?" He asked me. "Can I have a vodka and coke please." I smiled. "Alright, I'll be right back." Bobby smiled and went to the bar with josh to order the first round of drinks.

I felt a smile lingering on my cheeks as everyone had greeted me warmly. They were the nicest and funniest people i've ever met. They all included me in there conversations and made me feel comfortable. They were telling me story's about there previous tour and I got into conversations with them all especially Eli. The majority of the night we were talking about our favourite bands and I couldn't help but study his features as he spoke. I was staring at his eyes and then his lips. I didn't even realise I was doing it. I couldn't look away. He's beautiful.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!
Lots of love, Holly x

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