who's more likeable sibling between the two of you.

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You are, People Like How nonchalant and cool you are. Like, your brother is nonchalant and cool too, but you're not mean. Your able to be cool without out breaking things, Hurting people, and/ or theft. People also find you to be more levelheaded than your brother, seeing you as the more peaceful sibling.

How does your sibling feel about this? :

He isn't surprised and doesn't really care. First of all, he doesn't act the way he does because he wants others to think he's cool. He already thinks he's cool and does the stuff he does Because HE thinks it's cool. Second, he knows people like you more because it just makes sense that people like nice people, it's kind of just a basic fact in his brain.


You were the more liked one. People enjoyed how chill you were compared to your sister. And you were the humbler one as well. Don't get it wrong there were people who liked your sister and most admired her drive and efficiency, but overall, Due to your chill temperament you were the more favored one.

How does your sibling feel about this? :

She is slightly livid, like she doesn't think you're an awful person and believes you are very likeable. But how could people like you more than her? She's driven, successful, a great leader and dependable. While your somewhat of a slacker. She's just a bit confused on how you win people's favor so easily.


You're the more likeable one. Listen, your both pretty sarcastic and witty. The only thing that makes you the more liked one is your ability to admit when your wrong and apologize. You tend to have more empathy than your brother and understand that sometimes your jokes and remarks can go a little too far and you're willing to apologize when they do. Your brother isn't completely awful and will apologize after a while, but it still takes him a second to remember that not everyone communicates through sarcasm.

How does your sibling feel about this? :

He doesn't really care to be honest. He knows people don't care for his witty remarks. And if people don't like his sarcasm, he simply doesn't hang around them. He has friends that understands that his remarks and sarcasm are how he shows affection (although he can still take it a bit far sometimes.) and he's learned were his boundaries are with those people. He doesn't care if anyone else has a problem with him.


I think it's pretty obvious that you're the more likeable one. Would anyone tell that to heather's face? Not too many people would, no. But it's an understood fact that you're the more likeable one. Compared to your sister you a very kind soul, mostly just trying to stay out of people's way and live a nice life. You're very helpful to others (as long as they aren't jerks.) in reality you were just an average decent human being.

How does your sibling feel about this? :

She wasn't surprised and low-key didn't care. Like, she really didn't care if people didn't like her because she was mean or because she was bossy. She had power and she was pretty. As long as those two things remained true, she couldn't care less what others thought about her. Also (just like Duncan) It made sense to her that people would like you more. Compared to her you were the nicest human ever, it just made sense to like you.


Sorry everyone but DJ is the more liked sibling. You both are kind and loving people, both loyal and honest, but your brother has you beat. He is more gentle and empathetic than you. Due to your brother being the more sensitive one you grew to be a bit more tough to balance out. People liked both of you, But your brother's softer more caregiver nature just attracts people more. People still really like you though!


you're the more likeable one. Due to your sisters more closed off nature and appearance, people are quick to misjudge her as mean or aggressive (which pisses you off if your honest). But you're more chill and approachable making you more liked. People also find you to be a good shoulder to cry on.

How does your sibling feel about this? :

She's not surprised. She knows people thinks she just the "scary goth girl" and doesn't fight it. The people that Truly know her and truly care about her know that there's more to her character than that (including you). And as long as she has those people, she content letting people believe what they want about her. She doesn't really need anyone else's approval.

💄💅 Lindsay💅💄

She's the more likeable one. Due to how pretty, bubbly, and kind she is people just naturally gravitate to her more. You are a bit more of a quiet soul, people don't even really acknowledge you outside of being Lindsay's nerdy sibling. You're not a bad person, your actually really nice when you want to be. Your just not as well-known as your sister due to your quiet nature.

🎬🎥Chris Mclean🎥🎬

Once again you are the more likeable sibling (which let's face it are you really that surprised?) While more people know ABOUT your brother, anyone who has ever MET both you and your brother would say they liked you more. Like, your brother could be funny sometimes and he had all the money to do fun things. But his temperament and ego were really his downfall. Most thing were about him (his only rare moments of compassion and selflessness being aimed at you and on occasion chef.) But for the most part everything would be about him and his needs. While you are a bit more generous and kind with your actions.

Having Chris as your brother has made you more of a listener than a talker, which has made you good at listening to people's problems and letting them cry them out with you. And that has gained you some fiercely loyal friends in your years. You are just so compassionate and down to earth that it's hard for people to believe that you and Chris are even related.

How does your sibling feel about this? :

How do I put this as lightly and as politely as possible...





He is completely dumbfounded and downright confused. Like, you're his younger sibling, and he loves you dearly. wouldn't replace you with anyone in the universe.... But how are you more likeable than him??? He Frickin CHRIS MCLEAN! He's rich, he's handsome (in his own opinion.) he's famous (kind of washed up, but still) he doesn't understand how your more liked than him. His ego and personality won't let him face the fact that despite having money and fame, that meant nothing since his personality was...not so great.

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