my opinions on certain things

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Here ya go:

Here's a list of things/people I'm obsessed with:
My besties (My closest best friends are MarvelLover403 and Scarlett_Mischief)
Spider-Man/Peter Parker (if it wasn't clear)
Tom Holland
Fictional characters in general as a whole.
Taylor Swift
Movies as a whole.
Food (even though I sometimes refuse it.)
My pets (you'll learn more about them later)
Stuffed animals (cause I'm still childish)
Baking is pretty fun
Making certain faces
Quoting about anything
Memes (also known as meemees)
Weirdly disturbing facts. (If you know any, I'm up to hear them. I have a weird love of knowing how murder works. Which makes me sound like a psychopath.)
Talking about boys cause I'm one of those girls
And about anything else I could possibly fangirl over. (I've probably missed a few things)

Here's a list of things I hate or dislike (please don't get mad at me. Just sharing an opinion):
Cats. (Idk man. Something about them is pure evil. They come from the devil bro. I don't even think they're cute tbh. But I don't mind if other people like them.)
When people think babies are cute. (I just don't get it okay? They're wrinkly and not in the least bit cute.)
Eggplant. (Something about eggplant is just disgusting. I like most vegetables and fruits, but eggplant is a no go.)
Spicy food. (It's not that I hate it or anything, it's just I'm a baby to spice. So I don't particularly like it very much. However if I like it enough I'll eat it. And I'm always trying to try spicy food despite not being able to handle it)
Sharing meals with people. (Don't get me wrong. It could go well, but bro. They either pick something I don't like, or they try to eat all the good parts of it. Like dude, I thought we were supposed to be sharing this????)
When people yell at me to get things done, or tell me everything I'm supposed to do all at once. (All this does is get me overwhelmed. This stuff is what nightmares are made of okay? I already don't have a good memory so I don't think telling me everything all at once is going to help me. And bish yelling at me to do something is literally not making it any better. I'm sensitive bro. I can't take being yelled at. I'll go find a place to cry and put off the thing I'm supposed to be doing, because of this.)
People criticizing small things. Like handwriting, my choice in men, my crushes, etc.. (nothing makes me feel worse about myself except when you tell me how bad something I like or do is. The amount of criticism people give is so hurtful these days. I would like to be at peace with the way I take notes. I don't need you telling me how sloppy my handwriting is. Chances is, I already know. And this kind of stuff only leads me to thinking how superior you are and it only makes me feel worse about myself. Like come on now. It's so unnecessary. Just leave me alone. I don't need hear something I already know.)
When I'm talking about something important, and the other person puts it off as if it's nothing. (I get that sometimes I probably do this on accident, and it's easy for people who don't know how to comfort, but dude. A simple I understand what your going through, or a nice little I hope things get better would be great every now and then. It may not be a lot, but it's better then you completely putting it off cause that hurts.)
When I tell someone about something I have a strong passion for, and they tell me how much they hate it. (It doesn't get much more annoying then this tbh. I know I've done this when I was younger, but now I don't. Because I know how much it makes you wanna strangle someone. It's so annoying bro.)
Orange. (That's it. I'm just not a fan of the color.)

Okay so there is A LOT MORE. But! I don't have time to go through it. However if you want more I'll make more cause why not lol

If you wanna know anything specific, then just ask here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

If I get enough questions I'll tag the people who commented, and I'll make another chapter with just questions :))

Love you guys <33

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