"Leo Messi was apparently spotted coming through here about fifteen minutes ago." She answered.

"Though personally, I do not believe it." She added, before waving us in the direction of the lifts.

Gabriel and I didn't wait long before getting in the lift and making our way to their flat. 

"Receptionist is in for a surprise aye?" Gabriel nudged me. 

"Have you mentally prepared yourself?" I humoured him.

"What for?" 

"To meet the greatest of all time of course." I answered curtly. 

Gabe scoffed, "I'm no fanboy. I'll be calm, cool, and collected."

"Also does he speak English?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Why would I know?" 

"I don't know dawg." 

"You better not call him dawg." I warned as we walked to the flat. 

"Why not? Messi, M Dawg. What's good L Dawg? My dawg what's happening?" Gabriel tried his best to impersonate an NY accent but really it sounded more like Chicago. 

Once we got to the door Gabriel knocked only twice before it flew open, revealing Colette's grinning face. 

"Thank god you two are here!" She engulfed us both in bear hugs. 

"Things going badly?" I turned my head in confusion. 

"Oui. I mean no, not really. It's just that I am the only one who does not speak Spanish here, and in that sense it's kind of awkward because Leo only sticks to Spanish." Colette explained.

"I thought you've met him before?" Gabriel inquired.

"Who cares what I said before! If I said I met him, then I was lying. I am freaking out just a little bit so please help me!" Colette begged.

Gabe found Colette's little freak out quite entertaining. 

"Come on Gabe." I beckoned him as there three of us made it into the sitting room where Antonela, Francesca, and of course, Lionel Messi were seated.  

"Oh my god." I mumbled as we stopped abruptly. 

"Oh my fucking god. I thought this was going to be a sick joke." Gabe's eyes went wide. 

"Leo. Esto es Lina y él es Gabriel." Francesca introduced before going back to her position on the couch with a smirk on her face. 

I raised an eyebrow in her direction. 

"Gabriel looks like he's about to cry." She mouthed towards me. 

I turned to my side, and sure enough, tears were streaming down Gabe's face. 

"Hola. Es un placer. Usted es mi jugador favourito (Hi. It's a pleasure. You're my fave player)." I smiled, going to shake his hand. 

In truth I was shaking a bit. I was surprised I managed to even get out words. 

"Hola Lina! Soy Leo. Tu nombre completo es Catalina no? Como Catalina Martin? (Hi Lina! Im leo. Your full name is Catalina right? Like Catalina Martin)?" The small argentine man dismissed my hand and gave me a friendly hug. 

The Leo Messi just hugged me. 

"Catalina Martin? En el Spanish Love Deception? Usted sabe esto libro? (You know that book?)" I asked with shock. 

This man read romance novels?

"Leo es un aficionado de libros románticos." Antonela exposed her husband.

Leo just nodded with a smile on his face, "Sí! Pero yo lee el versión en español (Yes but I read the Spanish version)."

"Wow." I mumbled. 

"Y esto es Gabriel." Antonela pointed her husband to Gabe who was full on crying at this point.

"Te quiero mucho." Gabriel spoke quietly, before Leo engulfed him into a hug. 

Leo, obviously shy by nature, blushed a bit at the attention and emotions.

"Very nice of you." Leo replied in a thick argentine accent. 

"You speak english?" Gabriel's eyes bulged out. 

Leo nodded, "It is not so good but I can if necessary. Personally I like to stick to Spanish." 

"You speak English?" Colette repeated Gabriel's words, she was awestruck.    

"Yes but not in your accent." 

Let's just say playful shots were thrown between the French woman and argentine man.

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