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"I... I... Can't go on... Please understand, Hyung," I quivered, clutching the phone tightly in my trembling hand. It had been a month without you, and the pain was unbearable. I had seen you walking down the street, that same radiant smile on your face, beside that man who had torn my heart apart. You had killed me. Staring out at the cityscape from my glass window, I felt nothing but a numbing emptiness. All I wanted to do was sleep or cry. You had toyed with my emotions, playing with my feelings as if they were disposable. Every night, I cried myself to sleep, consumed by thoughts of you. Couldn't you feel it?

And then, in the midst of my despair, my sobs shattered the silence of the living room. I walked slowly towards the balcony, feeling as if this might be the end, the only escape from the torment. Peering down from the 26th floor, my heartbeat quickened, and just as I flinched, my phone began to ring. Pulling it out of my pocket, I saw your name flashing on the screen. Without hesitation, I answered.

But before I could utter a word, I heard your cries on the other end, your voice trembling with pain. "C... Chim..." you struggled to speak through your tears. "I just want to say... for the last time... that you shouldn't question our love... those six years..." You gulped, and I could hear the sound of water droplets in the background. Confusion washed over me. "Where are you, y/n?"

"I... I love you, Jimin. I always have. I never cheated on you. It was Mr. Han, your manager..." you whimpered, your voice breaking. "I saw you that day... You haven't been taking care of yourself." Your words hit me like a punch to the gut. "They... they are so cruel to do this to us."

"Who? Who is doing this?" I pleaded desperately.

You chuckled bitterly in response. "I'm leaving, Jimin," you whispered. "Y/n, who are they? What are you talking about?" My voice cracked as I sobbed, my heart aching at your painful cries. "They... they said that if I don't break up with you, then all your hard work of seven years would be in vain, along with the other members..."


"Mom... Dad is agreeing with them... They're making me get engaged to someone..." Your sobs grew louder, and then, there was silence on your end, only the sound of falling water. "Y/n!" I yelled into the phone, but there was no response.

Without thinking twice, I rushed out in a mess, grabbing my car keys and speeding towards your parents' house. When I arrived, I ran to the front door, pounding on it with all my strength. Your father opened the door, anger etched on his face. "What—"

"IS Y/N HERE?" I demanded, my voice filled with desperation.

He looked at me with a mix of disdain and frustration. "Look, kid, I don't want my daughter in danger because of you—"

"TELL ME, IS SHE HERE?" Your mother rushed to my side, her tear-stained face a picture of anguish. She confirmed that you were indeed in the house. Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted towards your room, only to find it locked from the outside. Your mother came running behind me, crying uncontrollably, and told me that you had been locked up for three weeks. With no

other choice, I broke through the door.

Your room was a mess, a reflection of the turmoil in your heart. Your mother entered with me, her cries growing louder as she saw the state of the room. I rushed towards the bathroom, and there, everything in my world came to a halt. Your lifeless body lay in the bloody bathtub. I couldn't comprehend it. I reached out to hold you, to pull you away from the cold porcelain, but it was too late. You were gone. Your mother's cries grew louder, her shaking hands desperately trying to wake you, but it was futile. I was too late once again, too late to understand you.

You were no more.

The world around me began to blur, as if the room itself was swelling, suffocating us with its weight. I placed my hand on your motionless heart, which had ceased to beat. "Please....please stay with me.....stay with me" the last whisper of mine to you . There I sat on the wet bathroom tiles, you in my arms, surrounded by a pool of blood of yours.

HEARTBREAK FEELS LIKE || PARK JIMIN ( Short Ver)Where stories live. Discover now