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You wake up the next day,  its saturday, you forgot that the first day of school starts on a friday.

All of a sudden you get a text.

You turn your phone on and see who texted you, Giyuu.. you think to yourself heartracing with fear.

The text says, Meet me at the (favorite cafe) cafe.

shit you think to yourself.

You decide to get ready because your kinda scared, kinda scared? No you are scared.

You put your shoes on and head out the door..

While your walking you see Giyuu. Does he know where you live???

You never told him your address, did he follow you home once..??

shit what do i do.. you think with anxiety filling your whole body.

But then suddenly

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" giyuu yells furiously


"C-coming.." you say

"What was thattt?" Giyuu yells.

"Coming!" you say loud enough to were he can here you.

Your filled with anxiety, breathing heavy, but you have to get over there, who knows what he could do.

You run over to giyuu finally, but he kisses you. You try pulling away knowing you cant.

But then behind you hear someone. Someone crying. Maybe? You look behind you and you see inosuke walking away, he looks like he is trying not to cry.

"Ino-" You got interrupted

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" He says slapping you.

you start crying and apologizing.


You and giyuu start walking to the cafe, your still crying.

You just want to go home to genya and tell him everything giyuu did to you, but you know it would result in a punishment. Not a fun one either.

You have arrived, you dry your tears.

"babe, what do you want." Giyuu says sweetly

"Dont call me that..please" you whisper, but he hears you.

he grabs your chin, and looks you in the eye with anger.

"Babe, What do you want?!" He says demandingly

"I dont want anything!!" You shout turning away from him.

Inosuke Pov

Why am I crying over her.. Weakling! I am weak! The king of mountains never cry! ugh.. im a crybaby! why am i crying over her whats this feeling?! UGHHH!!!

Y/N Pov

Giyuu takes you out of the cafe and goes to the back of the cafe, you groan already knowing whats going to happen.

He throws you against a brick wall causing you to gasp for air.

He punches you, Not hard hard like in a fight but hard enough to were it hurt.

You just wish you could go home. But then you act like your parents are calling you.

"Hm?" You groan

"Someone is calling me" you manage to get out through crying.

You 'pick it up' and act like your mom is calling you.

" oh m-mom hi.. Mhm, yea, Okay be there in a bit, love you." You lie about the call.

Giyuu scoffs, he kisses you and lets you go, pushing you out of his way.

You make a run for it to your house, crying. Your thankful you made it out of there.

Inosuke Pov

He sees you running and crying out the window..

He decides to knock on your door.

End Of Inosukes Pov

You enter your house. And get dressed in something comfy.

You hear a knocking at the door, you turn around and head down to the door.

You open the door and see Inosuke.

You gasp, remembering what happened earlier.

"I-im sorry for making you cry... " you say sadly.

"Tch.. Whatever. " He says annoyed.

"By the way. Why we're you crying.. " Inosuke asks you mystified.

You start stuttering " u-uhm.. n-no reason!!"

"Y/n please.. " Inosuke says whining

You start tearing up.

He notices your tearing up and he starts turning red embracing you softly.

You are shocked but hugged him back crying into his shoulder.

"Well.. U-uhm it's Giyuu.. " You say heart racing with anxiety.

"What did that bitch do this time. " Inosuke says infuriated

"H-he.. He abuses me.. And makes me do stuff I don't want to do.. " You say calming down.

Inosuke looks Hella mad.


He starts crying knowing he can't do anything if he doesn't know where he lives.

You question why he is crying but he just hugs you.

You both sit there you try comforting him but instead you lead him to the couch and cuddle him.

Genya suddenly walks in.. Yeah he walks out..

Eventually you both fall asleep cuddling each other.

The night is silent and peaceful...

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𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠 <3 --- Inosuke x Reader/Y/nWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt