Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

Kylie stood on the hill looking down at the place that she once called home. It was the place everything in her life changed; coming here after the death of her family, and the fresh start to a new life.

This place also became the home of other memories, which made her both happy and sad. She never would have thought that her human life would end, and would begin a life as a vampire instead. And, the last time she was here, she had lost her mother again. While Lucy technically wasn't her mother, she quickly became like her mother.

She came to Lucy after the loss of her family having nowhere else to go. She felt lost and alone, yet Lucy provided a safe and loving environment for her. She hated that Lucy was no longer here; she had lost someone she loved again.

Even though she has lost so many people, she wasn't alone anymore. She had a family: the boys and Star. She felt arms around her waist and someone put their face into her neck giving it a kiss before speaking. "What are you thinking about Kylie?" Sam asked.

"Just about Lucy and the last time we were here," Kylie spoke. Sam looked over her shoulder down at Santa Carla, the memories of the last time they were here flooding back to him.

He remembered, watching as his mother was stabbed, as it would take her life. And the haunting scream that came out of Kylie, watching it all unfold. It had happened so fast as all hell broke lose. The boys quickly attacked the hunters killing them as Sam and the frog brothers pulled Kylie back out of harm's way.

Sam was fighting back tears as he held her as Kylie cried. The frog brothers held a protective stance in front of Kylie and Sam, ensuring none of the hunters came after them (if they somehow managed to get past the boys.) Anger consumed the boys, seeing only red for their mate enduring so much pain.

The hunters were quickly taken care of, especially since they were angry. They didn't even stand a chance, especially after they killed Lucy.

Once the hunters were taken care of they went through the house and grabbed anything valuable that they could take with them. They made sure to grab the stash of money that Max has collected over the years, along with the books Max had on vampires and their history.

They then headed back towards the cave after setting the house on fire. Kylie was still an emotional wreck, Sam and Michael not much better. It took all of the boys to calm down Kylie and Sam. The frog brothers were making Sam think about comics, while David and the other boys were having Kylie take deep breaths.

Star was able to calm down Michael by holding him. Once they were all calm, they did the same thing to the cave as they did at Max's house. They grabbed anything of value and importance the crew wanted to take with them. They knew it was time to leave Santa Carla as this was the second hunter attack in such a short amount of time. Santa Carla, the murder capital of the world, was no longer safe to stay.

Once everything was gathered, the gang slept one last time in the cave before heading out at nightfall. After leaving Santa Carla, they traveled all over the world, exploring new places and having new adventures. Though the more new places were explored, the more it became bleak, almost nothingness. An absolute feeling of displacement. Because nothing felt quite like home, not like Santa Carla.

After being away for so long, they finally decided it had been long enough and decided to return home. At this point, it was no longer called the Murder Capital of the World, but it's still held its roots.

Runaways still filled Santa Carla, and gang fights were happening every day. Nothing had really changed. It was the same as the day they had left. They couldn't be happier to be home.

Everyone joined Sam and Kylie to look over at the place they once called home. "I can't believe we are back," Kylie said.

"It has been a long time," David said as he took a hit of his cigarette.

"Too long," Micheal said, wrapping his arms around Star.

"A lot has changed," Marko said.

"Ya but it is still the same Santa Carla." Paul replied, taking a hit of his blunt.

"Damn, since when is Paul smart?" Edgar asked.

"That is just the weed talking," Alan said laughing, "he is still dumb as ever."

"Y'all might be full vampires now but I can still kick y'all asses," Paul said, taking another, longer hit this time.

Paul was right though, Kylie thought. Looking around at the gang, they were now full vampires and all had also fully mated. Even Laddie found his mate, Lilly. It wasn't long after he became a fully vampire that he found her. Kylie smiled glancing over at them; she couldn't be happier for the both of them.

"Paul, you might be able to beat us in a fight, but we can pull in more women to feed on," Edgar said smirking. "Ain't that right Alan and Sam?"

"O ya, we can definitely can beat the old vampires in pulling in vampires," Sam smirking.

"Is that a challenge boys?" David asked.

"Just one and you will lose," Alan spat back.

"Boys, don't get too cocky," Dwayne said.

"Ya especially since I would be the one to bring in the most boys in to feed on," Kylie said.

All the boys let out a growl. They were around her in a instant. David stood in front of her.

"Kylie don't say that again. You are ours and no one else," warned David. He then touched his mark on her neck reminding her that she was his.

"If you are allowed to feed on girls then I'm allowed to feed on guys," Kylie said.

"We never said you couldn't," Edgar said. "But we are just reminding you that you are ours." He then bit down on his mark.

The boys became more protective of Kylie when they fully mated. Each of them remained their loyalties to her. But they were still competitive, playing games on who can pull in the most girls to feed on. David usually won followed by Edgar. With coming back to Santa Carla, this meant their old territory was now filled with new blood waiting to be drank.

"You know boys, I think Santa Carla is not going to know what hit them," Kylie said, "And these hunters won't stop us from reclaiming our home."

The End?

I'm sorry it has taken me such a long time to update. Since the last update, I graduated college in December (YAY) and I now have a full time job. Any guesses on what my job is?!

Anyway I am thinking this might be the end of the book. Unless you guys want more than I will try and write more.  Let me know your thoughts!

Until next time keep reading and bleeding
- QOB🩸

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Don't forget to follow me and check out my other stories, The Lost Family (book 1), Family of blood (book 2) and Hunted :)

Also I have a idea for a new Lost boys book. If you want to hear more about this idea comment below! It will not come to life until after I have finished my two lost boys books.

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