Chapter :: 1

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"Y/N wake up! wake up,wake up,wake up!"your seven year old brother,Adam was shooking you to wake up but luckily you were a heavy sleeper

Some attempts Adam tries to wake you up but failed ::
1. Adam pours cold water on your reactions = FAILED
2. Adam jumps up and down on your reactions = FAILED
3. Adam puts (least favorite song) on the speaker on high reactions = FAILED

~~~~Back to the present~~~~

"Y/N please wake up"Adam then slaps you hard on your face making your eyes shot wide awake you then pull his hair

"YOU BASTARD!!! I WAS SLEEPING PEACEFULLY!!!"You yelled at Adam while pulling his hair

"The next time you slap me I'll make sure you die!"you warned while Adam was whimpering at the corner

"Y/N! was is all this ruckus! and what did you say to Adam!"your Mom got in your room fixing her glasses and combing her brown hair (who is this anime character? Tell me on the comments)

"Oh Crap"you murmured under your breath

Your mother sighed at you both"Y/N you're 17 stop acting like you're seven and as for you Adam can you please stop acting like you're five...."she sighed again"C'mon kids I cooked pancakes for breakfast so you better hurry your asses up"she commanded.Adam and you quickly stood up and rushed down the stairs

~~~~~~Le Time Skip Me Too Lazy~~~~~~

You got to school using the helicopter since your Dad was using the other car same aswell with your mom while your mom drived Adam to his school (damn rich people)

You landed on the school's football field safely while some students look jealous of how rich the person were a V.I.P because your Uncle let you be in this school so not a big deal

"Driver Park I will be going now and please tell Mother and Father I'll be coming home early since it's only the first day school"you said expressionless you quickly took a look from your phone to see your appearance (Long,Medium,Short) (Straight,Wavy,Curly) (Hair Color) hair was seemingly perfect,small glossy light pink lips,beautiful and perfect crystal (Eye Color) eyes,(Slender,Slim,Small) body and glowing skin.

you got out of the helicopter to recieve some stares,whistles and some murmuring you gave them your infamous stoic glare to each person who was looking at you while they quickly look somewhere else when you caught them. you took a look on your clothes which you wore a (Favorite Color) with (Favorite Band) logo croptop showing your skinny figure and some white leggings which has a print of some black cheetah spots and you wore some converse you slung your real chain designed bag on your shoulder while walking straightly in the schools door and everyone got back in the school halls


"Please Hannah!stop!"you heard some whining and begging on the east hall some people quickly rushing to go waited for them to go ahead and then followed them you push into the crowd seeing a poor girl was being beaten by HanniFerJane (Hannah,Jennifer and Jane a.k.a as HanniFerJane the bitches from your school)

"Someone needs to stop this"you thought to yourself than saying outloud because you'll loose your coolness

Sighing to yourself putting on a strong infamous stoic expression you cut Hannah from bullying the poor girl

"Excuse me but is this legal?"you asked nonchanlty but a bit of jokingly but your tone was straight some people snickered at the question

"Why?you wanna get beaten to!?"Hannah asked

"If you'll beat me"you murmured

"You bitch whispering this to yourself!Come here and fight me!"she charge straight at you but in the speed of light you were behind her holding her between her shoulder and neck which was her weak spot you hold it tight first she flinched as you came closer to her ear and whispered "do you wanna die?"you asked expressionless but there was a hint of anger in your voice "why you--"you cut her off squeezing her tightly on her weak spot as she fell on her knees whimpering you still have hold of her shoulder tightening it "don't worry she will recover after 15-30 minutes so just let her sleep she is just unconscious"you said as you release her shoulder while going to the poor girl while walking you groaned in annoyance and "tch'ed" at Jennifer and Jane while some of the crowd was like "she's awesome!" "Remind me not to let her be piss" "Wow" "I thought she was weak like a princess" and some others were full in shock and others have their jaws on the floor (not literally)

You go to the poor girl and kneeled at her level she whimpered while she curl up in a ball more "p-plea-se" she stuttered you were shocked but you didn't gasped but your face softened looking at her you look at her small fragile body which was full of scars and some marks "tsk tsk tsk did they do this to you?"you asked she nodded slowly you stood up sighing and lending a hand to help her up she took it so you help her stood up she was light as a feather "t-thank you" you nodded while giving her $50 "here...go and buy some medicine and some shit so you can heal those quickly"you handed her the money while saying that almost inaudible for people to hear because your voice was quite quiet,raspy and dark "no!no I don't need this"she said giving you back the money you shook your head 'no' "take them"you said now you were looking at the crowd

"Do you want this to happen to you?"you asked your voice raised up as people backed away but one person caught you and it was Arthur,Arthur Kirkland he was smirking while giving you a thumbs up and mouthing something like :: "That's my girl....I love you" you scoffed disgusted by his sudden flirting as you rolled your eyes at him while still keeping your cool as in on cue Jane went charging at you she got her fists clenched together as she was supposed to punch you. you blocked the punch by holding her wrists her face softened and she was off guard so you did a roundhouse kick to her stomach as she flied of the floor while clutching her stomach as Jennifer was walking to you her hands and teeth clench she quickly got to you now she was right in front of you she was ready to hit you but raised your good leg near her face making her face in shock as she caught of guard "Tch.Idiots"you scoffed while people heard you and they were snickering. Jennifer was now running you chuckled as she chickens out "Cowards"you let the last word you were gonna say roll out of your tongue "Good thing I got easy on you girls because if I weren't you would be dead by now"you said as you see Hannah's eyes slowly opening.while you dusted off the invisble dust on your clothes and getting your phone in your pocket and dialed your secretary's number

"Hello?secretary Hatsune"you said

"Yes Ma'am I'm here what do you need?" The other person on the line said she was your secretary

"Well...since you have the number of the school's nurse office can you please send two girls in the clinic"

"Ahhh yes ma'am right away!"she said happily

"Thank you" then you cut the line

Now the crowd was gone and left you by a certain Spanish boy and his two friends the Italian brothers

"Chica~you were AWESOME"he hugged you by the waist and kissed you on your groaned at his annoyance and his flirtatious mood today you wipe your cheek and notcice you were still close to Atonio.then you kneed his shin slighlty causing him to back up he smirked and hold your waist with one arm while snaking down to your butt once he reached it he squeezed it you then slap him across the face leaving a pink imprint "YOU PERVERTED BASTARD!"you yelled at him while running in a direction

Punk Love ||Modern Highschool AU!!||Punk!Arthur Kirkland x Punk/Martial arts Artist!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now