Chapter 1: Loki

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Aloisia had been working with SHIELD for around 5 months. She had enjoyed her time there. Quickly rising through the ranks. When Natasha was told she was to train Aloisia she didn't realise how much skill the young woman held. No did. Everyone had underestimated her abilities. Even though Aloisia had never used her fire for battle she was still a powerful ally. Every one of her missions was a success with minimal casualties. She was often paired with Natasha and/or Clint. The trio were powerful when together and got along well. Fury was incredibly impressed, though the man would never admit it, he was grateful Aloisia had decided to join SHIELD.

Aloisia had also taken up learning some other languages, knowing it would help with her job so Natasha had, on Aloisia's request, been teaching her french. Aloisia had requested Russian but Natasha had denied and said once Aloisia knew French she would then be taught Russian.

Aloisia was dedicated, often found working even when at home, frequently using Tony's gym, going on many runs or reading through files. Aloisia and Natasha had stuck to their Sunday coffee, or milkshakes, occasionally inviting Clint to come along. Now that everyone had realised Aloisia was 22 the group would sometimes get drinks together too, going to pubs or bars when they were definitely not working the next day. Aloisia had also learnt that she had a very, very high alcohol tolerance, assuming its due to not being human. so she ended up becoming the sober friend that still drank. Clint was always the first out of the group to get drunk, her and Natasha would laugh at him until they had to go, Nat knew her tolerance enough to only get a little tipsy, Clint, obviously did not. Natasha and Aloisia became good friends over the months. Training together when they could. SHIELD had allowed Aloisia to come out of her shell and be more herself. She feels much more comfortable and at home that she has felt in years. She doesn't have to hide herself so much, or hide how she feels. The walls she built are cracking, but still remain stood. It's progress.

Aloisia and Clint had been chosen for a mission involving the tesseract. Aloisia being chosen to help in any way, along with her knowledge of other worldly things.

Aloisia is stood by Coulson, waiting for Maria and Fury to arrive. The tesseract had been troublesome so Fury had been called in. Finally the helicopter had arrived, dropping off Maria Hill and Nick Fury.

"How bad is it?" Fury asked, he didn't have much information to go on.

"That's the problem sir. We don't know" Coulson responded. Fury looked over to Aloisia who only shrugged.

The group enter the facility, passing fleeing technicians. The atmosphere is tense a wave of danger radiating through the building. No one is sure of what to do.

"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago" Coulson offers Fury what he knows.

"NASA didn't authorise Selvig to test phase"

"He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement"

"It just turned itself on?" Hill asks

"It appears so" Aloisia offers, answering her question.

"What are the energy levels" Fury asked

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered evac" Aloisia sighs at Coulson response. She was anxious. Fury had some questionable decisions sometimes, for example, messing with other worldly things he does not understand and cannot control. Fury was too curious, the tesseract may be amazing but it wasn't necessary, especially if it was going to be the cause of earths downfall.

"How long to get everyone out?"

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour" Coulson replies.

"Do better" Fury criticises. The group continue walking down deeper into the facility

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