Sick Days (Remastered)

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I am re-working Robin Bros to make it easier and more fun to read and less- well to be honest, I look back on my old chapters of this book, and honestly, they're very rushed through and there's a lack of detail, and unneeded detail where it isn't necessary. There's also a lot of chapters that didn't need as many parts. (Six parts of Aloha, like what the hell why did I do that) You may have noticed recent chapters being more "beefed up". It's pretty much my way of compensating for the long delays in between chapter. I have completely re-written Sick Days and merged Part 1 and 2 (but obviously I'm keeping the amazing Discovery Channel joke) Without further ado, on to the story!

Bruce's POV:

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, feeling exhausted. I layed in bed for  a few minutes before changing into my suit.

 At 6:30 I had woken up everyone for school. 

Alfred was in England, leaving me to deal with the boys alone.

 Of course, getting them all ready to go was no easy task.

 "Father! Something is highly irritating my arm!" Damian said, scratching his arm.

 "I'm sure it's fine, Damian. Probably just a bug bite." I said, not paying attention. I packed Tim and Damian's lunches and then I got everybody ready and out the door.

 Until Tim threw up.

 Now that I noticed, Damian had spots all over his arm.

 So instead, Jason and Dick walked to school. It was the last day of school anyways.

 Since I'm the owner of everything with the name "Wayne" on it, I could take a day off if I wanted to.

"Okay, I'm going to bring you two a fresh pair of pyjamas and then I'm going to change. Go ahead and watch TV." I said, walking up the stairs.

"Don't turn on the Discovery Channel!" I added. I didn't want them to see the animals doing it.

I changed into a grey T-shirt and some black sweatpants. Nothing fancy.

I came downstairs to find them watching Spongebob.

Clearly Tim and Damian could only be civil when the felt awful.

After helping them into their pyjamas, I let them sit on the couch and made something simple.

Toast with butter.

What? I'm no five star-chef.

The toast was kinda burnt, but Tim and Damian seemed to be gracious enough.

I had settled down to watch some annoying Disney show they changed the channel to, when I got a call from Jason and Dick's school.

----------Line Break------------

I found myself surrounded by all of the sick boys.

 Jason was throwing up, Tim was on the verge of crying, Damian was scratching himself like crazy, Dick was curled up in a little ball, moaning and groaning.

Why does this always happen when Alfred isn't home?

I made Jason change into a pair of clean clothes, then I all gave them so water, which they all (miraculously) were able to keep down.

Eventually, they started bickering.

"Jason, get your fat legs off of me! I'm too upset to cuddle anybody!" Dick complained.

"It's not fat, it's muscle, you idiot! And I'm not cuddling you. I'd rather cuddle a grizzly bear!" snapped Jason.

"Stop yelling! I'm too busy feeling bad for myself!" Damian yelled.

"Shut up, Damian! I'm the sickest!" Tim shouted.

I should have stopped at one.

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