Prologue 2

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(Harry Potter's Pov)

Everyone Betrayed Harry.

After Voldemorts defeat. They revealed to everyone that he has a part of The Dark Lords soul in him.
Thay it would turn him evil.

But It was gone after he momentarily Died.

But The manhunt for Harry James Potter started.

Everyone was in on it.
Except the dead.
Whats Worse is that they were planned deaths.
But Harry still had some people on his side.

Like George his Dad Percy Yes Percy! Charlie and Bill and Neville,Luna Lovegood also Hagrid.

But they were killed.

Planned Killed.

Dumbledore Appeared having faked his death.

The Manhunt went on.

Harry was turning 23.
He could scarecly remember the time he wasn't on the run.

But That didn't hold him back.

Especially when the Magic Creatures Helped him.

He asked why onced.
They smiled and said he would know in the future.

Harry was collecting his lost items right now.

He has everything but he is missing a couple things.

1 the sorcerors stone.
He has The Cloak and Wand. But something is itching him to get the stone.

And Finally the four original Founders of Hogwarts

Harry knows that the founders never meant for their school for evil.

Harry Knows they would not like it if their items stayed their.

So Harry had to do the most dangerous trip ever.
And Go to Hogwarts the home base.

A few Hours.

Harry Got everything.

But he was caught.

Shit Harry Tripped he was getting chased. When He turned the corner.
Someone pulled him into the starwell to the top of the tower.

Harry Looked to see and it was the person he least expected it to be

Draco Fucking Malfoy.

Harry tried to ask what Dra-Malfoy was doing but Malfoy shushed him and quickly led him to the top of the tower.

Their steps were quick and loud.

People heard them.

Harry tried to run away but Draco's grip was to strong.

Finally they reached the top of the tower.

Malfoy took something from his pocket

Huh! A time turner.

Harry doesn't understand why is Malfoy giving this to him.

They could kill you.

If Harry took this and traveled to the past that would mean nothing.
Malfoy would still get killed.

Malfoy knows he would die so why


Then Mal-Draco finally answered and Harry could see it all those Years really takes a total out of him.

I made my choice potter And I am happy to die with the choice.

Harry's eyes shook.
Everything was spinning.

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