New Year's Eve ☆ Holidays

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25. Talk a little bit about your best New Year's Eve kiss as the clock struck midnight. Write about the anticipation, the actual smooch, and the aftermath. Why was it so great? If you haven't had a New Year's Even kiss just write about what your ideal one would be like.

26. Write about a memorable New Year's Eve house party that you went to. Who did you know there, what did you do while you were there, and what events made it stick out? Have fun with your portrayal and really try to get the vibe of it as correct as possible.

27. What do you think your ideal New Year's Eve would be? Are you a loner who simply wants to get a feel for the world on the beach? A lover who wants to spend every last second with your significant other? A party-er? Go from top to bottom of your New Year's Eve creating your perfect way to ring in the next year.

28. Talk about one New Year's resolution that you've kept and one that you let slip by. How did you make sure that the one that worked stayed in your life and why did the other one fall away? If you had a choice (and you do) how could you get the absent one to work right now?

29. Have you ever been to one of the famous New Year's Eve sites like Times Square in New York? Talk about your experiences there if you have, and if you haven't, craft a story of your journey to a big event with a lot of people celebrating this holiday.

30. What are your top five resolutions that you would put into effect today if it was New Year's Eve? Write a story of you trying to accomplish them. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with some good ideas as a result.

31. In an attempt to drive back home for New Year's, your car has become stuck in a snow storm! You're not even exactly sure where you are, but you pull off an exit to wait it out at a diner. The snow does not stop. What happens next?

32. Have you ever opted for a non-tradition, away from the party New Year's Eve? Talk about that if you have, and if you haven't, craft a tale of an interesting event that most would consider off the beaten path for this type of celebration.

33. Create a character that is making a recap of his year on the evening of New Year's Eve while sitting at home. He is contemplating a massive change in his life and he is hoping to avoid that change by proving that his year was "good enough."

34. Despite your better judgment, you have drunk an entire bottle of champagne! And it's only ten minutes past midnight! How does the rest of your night go? If you don't remember it, write a story in which someone recounts it all to you the next day.

35. You have been handed a card by a friend of a friend at a New Year's Eve party. You open the card to find that it's from your secret admirer and that he or she desperately wants to kiss you at midnight. How do you proceed to make this a reality (or to run away from it)?

36. What are some ways that New Year’s Eve is celebrated in countries throughout the world? I mean, not everyone just gets drunk on champagne and tries to smooch someone when the ball drops, right? Do a bit of research and write a story from the perspective of one of those people.


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