4th of July ☆ Holidays

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13. What is the most amazing fireworks display you've ever seen in your life on a 4th of July celebration? What shapes did you see and music did you hear in accompaniment? Who were you with and why else might it have been memorable?

14. What is a particular 4th of July celebration that really sticks out in your mind? Was there some big disaster or incredible event that occurred during one of them way back when? If not, create a story about a wacky and wild 4th of July celebration.

15. You have been invited to an Independence Day barbecue! You get there, and realize that the people there are extremely "American" Americans. There are flags everywhere, with memorabilia, army medals, etc. The Americanism is overwhelming as people keep asking you how you feel about living in the best country ever. How do you deal with such an event?

16. You have been transported back in time to July 4th, 1776. How do you insert yourself into being a part of the history of the holiday and the United States?

17. Describe a 4th of July celebration with you and several other Americans outside of the United States. Is there an Americanized bar that you can party at or is a more private affair at a hotel with copious amounts of alcohol? Go into extreme detail.

18. You are with a child who is just old enough to start asking questions about everything. How do you explain July 4th to him to ensure that he understands and doesn't ask any more questions? :)

19. What does the 4th of July mean to you as a holiday? Do you feel a strong American pull or are you just happy to get some potato salad and hang out with friends?

20. You are hosting your own gargantuan 4th of July barbecue. You have about 100 people coming over and you have 3 days to get prepared. Talk about your process from beginning to end of making it a success.

21. July 4th weekend has become synonymous with "biggest movie of the summer" weekend. What is your favorite July 4th blockbuster that has packed the seats with people and the screen with explosions?

22. You and your friends have decided to get hammered during a very American day involving a baseball game, a barbecue, and a trip to a bar. Talk about the progression from the beginning to end of this all-American day.

23. What are your experiences with other independence days in other nations? What are the equivalent holidays in some other nationalities that you are familiar with and which ones do you feel is the most appropriate celebration of a nation. Do some research if necessary.

24. Imagine that you have decided to use Independence Day to actually become independent in every way possible. What would that entail? Describe your actual “independence day.”


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