Which led him to the great hall where he was met with lots of attention to his new look, a few snide comments from Slytherin's finest and jokes made from his house. Not all were bad; he had to send a few grimacing smiles to giggling girls. The day only got worse when times tables were handed out for their school year and he only shared two of his five classes with his fellow marauders silently cursing his pureblood dorm mates for wanting to take muggle studies. It also didn't help that two of the classes he stood alone in was his potions class that he had double on every Wednesday and care for magical creatures which he had done so rubbish in for his fourth year Mcgonagall forced him to take it again this year.

After leaving breakfast early to get away from the constant looks and the fact that his hair was the current topic in everyone's breakfast chat he decided a early start to his third and final class he shared with none of the marauders Transfiguration arriving 15 minutes early pulling out his book with the background sound of student slowly filling in the room only finally turning away from his book at the louder sound of the chair sat next to his being pulled out looking up met with the sight of Anastasia hair fashioned messily in ponytail, a piece of toast in her mouth while one hand pulling out her chair and placing her textbooks down and the other working to pulling on her long black robes onto her shoulders. Sitting down and taking the half eaten toast out of her mouth, head quirked to the side to examine Remus's new look.

"New hair I like it Lupin" She smiled comfortably in her new seat, leaning forward and touching one of the many pink stripes in Remus's hair. Causing the boy to lean forward slightly and smooth out his hair  after her hand fell off the bright stripes, turning to face the now fully filled classroom muttering a small thanks to his compliment on the ghastly hair.

Anastasia noticed Remus lean forward in his seat, straightening his back and looking ten times more tense after she made her presence known next to him. Anastasia felt embarrassed after she had already put all her books down and touched his hair unsolicited without even asking if he was saving the seat for someone. Though in her defense she had gotten to class a second before the bell and nobody had seemed to be sitting there. "Sorry, are you saving the seat for someone?" Ana asked, tilting her head at Remus.

"No, no... I wasn't" Remus replied awkwardly. Watching Anastasia nod silently taking a bite out of her toast.

"Miss Fox, food is to be eaten in the Great Hall strictly." Mcgonagall stated her voice sounded not even the slightest riled by the sight of food in her class in a way she sounded slightly chipper though that was most likely because of the two unlikely Gryffindors sitting together.

"Professor, you can't expect students to wake so early. You should read the fascinating stuff its proven people of my age should be sleeping 12 hours a day. How can that be expected when I have class at seven in the morning?" Ana dramatically stated.

"Well you seem to be very awake this morning Anastasia." Mcgonagall raised her wand, sending the piece of toast into the bin.

Anastasia pouted at her loss of food but quickly recovered with a smile. "I missed you over the summer Minnie."

The rest of the twos first class was spent with Mcgonagall forcing them to write outlines for the school year curriculum. Remus spent his time watching Anastasia doodle small stars across her pages of notes. They had started a unspoken game made when Anastasia drew a star on the corner of Remus' page causing him to draw a significantly more messy star on hers and back and forth and onwards until they had missed half of the notes and Anastasia laid her head on her non dominant arm and Remus had his turned to the table with a slight hunchback. Their game went on until both were started by the sound of the bell and rushed to pack up unlike the rest of the class who were well on their way out the door.

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