the cast / background

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Ayla149th grade "I pray that you would love me less"

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9th grade
"I pray that you would love me less"

'Wing Ridden Angel - xxxtentacion'

Ethan / Notti159th grade"Can't pretend that I was perfect, leavin' you in fear"

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Ethan / Notti
9th grade
"Can't pretend that I was perfect, leavin' you in fear"

'Revenge - xxxtentacion'

David / DD1610th grade "don't want your pussy, just want head"

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David / DD
10th grade
"don't want your pussy, just want head"

'look at me - xxxtentacion'

Darrian / ddot159th grade "Post with that Glock, aim that beam"

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Darrian / ddot
9th grade
"Post with that Glock, aim that beam"

'#ImSippinTeaInYoHood - xxxtentacion'

Ayla is quite , she sticks to herself just for the fact that it's to much work to make friends , her home life isn't like a sad sob story

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Ayla is quite , she sticks to herself just for the fact that it's to much work to make friends , her home life isn't like a sad sob story

HER MOM finds no reason to talk to the girl unless it's for a valid reason such as school , family events or emergency's other then that there is no talk about drama , boys , food , nothing , her mom is usually out of the house doing whenever moms do while she is at school and home , though she will always make sure there's food at the house or to leave money on the counter for her , Alisha; her mother, has no interest in making a relationship with the young girl

HER DAD divorced her mother once he found out she was cheating , he didn't absolutely abandon Ayla , she just doesn't live with him , yk how courts are with custody , Ayla will stay a night sometimes a few at his apartment before her mom. Alisha. starts making a big deal out of it , her dad. Derrick. has a steady income and his healthy and very much in shape , and has no interest in starting a new family when he alr had one

AYLA she struggles mentally and sometimes physically , no one really knew what she was going through or why , until her father found the blades in her room when he was trying to find the dogs toy so the dog would leave him alone , at first he didn't ask questions thinking it was a girl thing until he realized she's always wearing bracelets and long sleeves , he brought it to Alisha's attention and she didn't care so he sat Ayla down and talked about it and made sure she knew how much he loved / cared for her , he didn't do anything she wasn't up to doing , so that led her to therapy , better then nothing

Ayla is a only child. which is good in its own way. she's happy no one else has to deal with her mother like she does , other then that ayla's a pretty good kid and student , not all As but never having to repeat a grade , only misses school if she rlly needs or wants to

 she's happy no one else has to deal with her mother like she does , other then that ayla's a pretty good kid and student , not all As but never having to repeat a grade , only misses school if she rlly needs or wants to

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"Stomp out that fucker, his death will be slow"

"I'll cut my wrists 'til my heartbeat is silent"

"If you don't exist, then my pain can be rid"

"Shots in her body until she is a stump"

"You made me do this, just as far as you know"

"Offense or defense, passive or violent"


this book is based of "depression and obsession" by x that's why for the quotes their all x songs

Depression and Obsession // Notti OsamaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang