0.1: New recruit?

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(Taken place after episode 13/14 where Affogato Cookie ran away and made his way into meeting Dark Enchantress Cookie and making him join the Cookies of darkness and yes I'm doing the memes again expect it'll be crk based)

-•* Red Velvet's POV *•-

'A meeting from Dark Enchantress Cookie? And a new recruit too.'

I thought to myself, it's feels so long hearing news from her and especially hearing about a new recruit. But having no sighting of Dark Choco Cookie feels.. uneasy somehow..? I should shrug it off anyway, it's not entirely my business nor is it full importance for me.

After getting into the meeting room or mainly the throne room of Dark Enchantress Cookie, I stood by the wall to observe or focus more on this new "recruit" to see if they were actually on our side or on that side.

Dark Enchantress: "I assume all of you know why and what you are here for. A new member has joined us in our ranks. Please introduce yourself, Affogato Cookie."
(A/n: say Dark Enchantress doesn't know they met him already)

Affogato Cookie hm? Based on appearance he seems to be from a cold area, and has the same aesthetic of Dark Choco Cookie. Their brown and white mixed hair resembling or having a similar appearance on their staff, similar again to Dark Choco's hair with a few white hair strands contrasting his hair. As soon as Dark Enchantress finished talking he introduced himself.

Affogato Cookie: "Hello everyone, I'm Affogato Cookie but you may have or have not already recalled that the first time we met."

So he met them already. I noticed Dark Enchantress make a confused expression and turned her head to him a bit, she ended up not questioning about it and let him continue on.

After hearing about what Affogato Cookie did before arriving here I'd say I'm impressed about what he did to Dark Cacao and almost take over the kingdom, but then again about he's journey considering he's sounds very convincing and he sweet talks he's way into getting what he wants but somewhere it all failed and he had to flee. Could it be those Cookies again that harmed and threatened Cakeberus? Oh my dear boy..

I'm getting sidetracked and should focus on this Cookie, he could be a spy or doing this for his own gain of ruling the world based on what he said and did to the Cacao kingdom. But for now I must stay in the background and watch his intentions...

Dark Enchantress: "Ah Red Velvet Cookie, you've been awfully quiet there in the corner. Now that everyone has introduced themselves and role why don't you go?"
(A/n again: apologizes for the ooc I never really payed attention to DE's personality that much)

.... 'Well shit.'
I don't really want to do this but I have no choice. Approaching him and extending my cake arm towards him and gesturing him to shake it, expecting he would flinch at it or not shake it at all of course. He took his hand shook mine.. that's something.. new? I should just shrug it off.

(A/n againnn: I shorten his name at some parts since I don't have time and OOC again)
RV: "I'm Red Velvet Cookie, the general and leader (+ caretaker) for the cake hound armies."

Affogato: "Pleased to meet you, General."

That's a new.. I should just ignore it and focus on the new recruit. I have an uneasy feeling about him, even if he is willing to take part here I bet he'll do the same to what he did to his king, and easily winning everyone's, well mostly Licorice and Poison Mushroom, trust but for me and hopefully Pomegranate it'll take awhile.

Soon the meeting ended and we all went back to what we were doing, going back to the Tower of Sweet Chaos to see the progress for the newly baked batch of cakes. The process of it is going well but unfortunately very few didn't make it.. it pains my heart to see them not being able to make their steps out of the tray without falling apart already....

"My my, what an astonishing tower and oven..!"

A voice echoed at the entrance. It was Affogato. What is he doing here?

RV: "What are you doing here? Affogato was it?"

Affogato: "Yes and I wanted to get acquainted with my allies and their roles, or what they do for their role."

RV: "Ah. Well I can show you around the tower, just be careful here. Production is being made here."

Soon as I finished talking, I went ahead and lead the new recruit around the Tower of Sweet Chaos. Still monitoring him and the Cakes as they are being made.

RV: "And here is where we keep the young batch of Cake pups. They stay in this room till they've grown a bit and we start training them."

I informed him about the room, most of the pups were sleeping while some others were either playing around or trying to sleep. I look at Affogato Cookie and see his face never seemingly changing, his smile always the same curved shape and his eyes being wide. It feels like.. there's something off about him.

We got back to the entrance of the Tower, it started getting late so we decided to depart our ways.

RV: "Well unfortunately this "tour" ends here. Plus it's getting late. You should go back to your quarters. Maybe in the morning you can check or see what the others do."

Affogato: "Well I will. I thank you for showing me around the Tower. I wish you luck on creating more cakes later on. Farewell Red Velvet Cookie."

And just like that he leaves through the darkness. I soon reenter the Tower and go to my own quarters, I started reflecting about what just happened earlier.. why do I feel uneasy about him? He may be new but there's something off about him.

Enough with these thoughts. I should go to sleep, might be me overthinking..



Word count: 1053

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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