chapter 11

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Hi guys, so I wanted to change the name of y/n and I chose Svetlana yaroslov so yeah.


The team was leaving but Svetlana was still trying to convince Steve to let her go with them and that she'll be fine but it wasn't working.

"No lan ,You're not coming " steve said for the millionth time for the past thirty minutes.

" Yelena! Tell steve to let me go with you" she said looking at the blond who was talking to thor about his hair.

"Steve Rogers, let her go with us" she gave her the look that said 'get your ass on the jet" as she was distracting him. But as soon as you walked to pass Steve he lifted her over his shoulder and walked inside.

"Good one ,but I know your tricks "

"Put me down! You moronic little shit" she yelled struggling against his grip but the guy stopped a helicopter mid air  so she had no luck , she just gave up with a groan as he opened the door of your room and puts her on the bed.

"Now ,be a good girl and stay in bed and take your medicine, okay?" He said tucking her in bed as bucky watched the whole scene with a smile.

" you look like a married couple " she said looking at both of them, as he filled bucky on how to react to different situations with you and what kind of medication and when would you take it.he turned to her.

"See you when we get back" he kissed her head and left .

"Byyyyee granny " she said waving weakly at Steve.


After the team left, Svetlana got out of the bed ignoring JARVIS'S warnings, pftt of course she wasn't going to listen to Steve her name was Svetlana yaroslov after all. The super soldier wasn't anywhere near so she sneaked to the kitchen trying to get to the fridge to eat icecream .she always eats icecream when she's sick because it helps her throbbing head to calm the fuck down.

She noticed bucky on the couch watching some old movie such an old soul as she was almost there her nose tickled her and her eyes watering no no no no not the time stupid nose ,but it happened she sneezed. The ex hydra assassin turned his head toward her .

" doll ,If you wanted to see me so bad you could just give it a call you know?" he said smirked as she groaned and threw her head .

"In your dreams barnes " in two steps he towered over her.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He asked, touching her forehead to check her temperature.

" wanted icecream" she said cheaply raising her arms .

"But you're sick you can't get icecream"

"But buckyy" she whined ,he tried to ignore the way she said his name and blushed slightly .

"You're only making it worse sweetheart " she sighed .

"Fine ,okay "

"C'mon it's time for your medication anyway " her eyes widened shaking her head .and tried to run but he reacted faster and grabbed her before she could get to the elevator .

"What's up with super soldiers today?" She mumbled under her breath, he carried her and sat her on the counter keeping a close eye on her in case she attempted to make a run for it while opening

"Ok, open up" he said holding a spoonful of 'the disgusting liquid' as Svetlana calls it. She shook her head while putting her hands on her mouth.

"It will make you feel better " he said looking into her eyes .

"It's disgusting" he put a hand on her red cheek .

"Just one spoon for me " she still looked hesitant.

"Please?" She opened her mouth and bucky wasted no time and shoved the spoon ,she felt the horrible taste of the medication and shivered as she swallowed it. He smiled widely at her.

" can we watch Coraline " she loved coraline with all her heart it was her favorite movie she would watch it million times and would still watch it like it's her first time .

"Well you took your medication ,so I don't see why not" both assassins sat down as the movie started ,half way through the movie bucky wasn't focusing on the movie but on the black and white haired and found himself wondering.

"Can I ask you a question?" She nodded letting him know she was listening.

"Your hair-how is it like this?"

"Why?" She asked quickly, too quickly.  Svetlana was bullied all her life in the red room about her hair but it was a great way to break her child innocent soul about having friend ,she started to cover it until she met the avengers ,her family that she learned to be herself and trust ,bucky stayed quiet trying to figure out the cause of her sudden reaction to his question but she took the silence as another answer.

"You think I'm a freak don't you?" She said with so much pain in her eyes, he shook his head immediately .

"What? No no- lana you're not a freak everyone is different on their own way" she nodded sadly looking down at her lap.

" doll, look at me" she looked at him.

"I have a metal arm, do you think I'm a freak?"


"Then you're not a freak either ,you're just diffrent in a beautiful way " she stayed quiet as the movie rolled ,bucky was so deep in his own mind that he didn't notice she got closer to him until he felt a weight on his shoulder that he turned his head to find her small sleeping form leaning on his side ,he turned the tv off and lifted her carefully and headed to her room ,he gently placed her on the bed careful not to wake her up ,he found himself staring at her.

Her hair fell softly on her face adoring her red cheeks, lips parted slightly as she breathed slowly. Does she really think of herself as a freak? She's anything but a freak, he hoped she could see herself in his eyes .

"Goodnight angel " he whispered before leaving.

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