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Kageyama was not having the best day, that much was obvious from the frown that displayed on his face. A dark aura surrounded him as he walked, whispers and barely hidden stares surrounding him as people actively tried to move away from his path, lest they be the ones to trigger his wrath.

Multiple plays went through the setter's mind as he formulated possible outcomes of the upcoming 3v3. He needed to win it at all costs or else he won't even be able to play as a setter in his high school years.

An annoyed scoff escaped his lips as he went down the staircase. Unfortunately, as he turned the corner on the rail, his legs bumped into a white-haired male's back.

"Ah." Kageyama's eyes went wide as he watched the student's phone fall from the top of the staircase. He could only hope that the phone won't be too damaged once it lands. His lips moves to speak out an apology, only to fall dead on his tongue as the white-haired teen jumped from where he sat at the top.


Kageyama panicked as all he could imagine was the injury of the unknown student but to his surprise, the teen caught his phone with unparalleled ease using the edge of his foot before landing safely in a crouched manner.

The setter could feel himself be blown away by that simple action as he watched the other teen sit back down and continue playing on his phone like nothing ever happened.

"Hey!" He unconsciously yelled out as he immediately skipped down the stairs to stand next to the focused teen. "That was some incredible speed and reflexes!"

"Huh?" The gaming teen muttered in a confused manner as he stared at the bright 'Game over' his phone displayed. "Damn, I died..."

"What club are you in? Which sport do you play??" Kageyama continued to hound the other student with questions, a sort of sparkle in his eyes as he felt some sort of thrill that wasn't caused by a volleyball game.

"Club?" The white-haired teen muttered in confusion as he turned to look up and meet Kageyama in the eye for the first time. "Yeah!" Kageyama nodded. "Someone with the same speed and reflexes as you are bound to be in a club!"

"How troublesome." The less energetic of the 2 muttered before looking back at his still-blinking phone. "Sorry to disappoint but I'm not in any club."

Kageyama wanted to retort and ask how that was even possible but he cut himself off as a brilliant thought crossed his mind.

"Then join the volleyball club with me!"

Kageyama waited for an answer but all he got was silence, the sitting teen turned to look at him with an indescribable emotion in his eyes. The black-haired setter felt his heart drop at the look given to him for some reason.

A sigh escaped the white-haired teen as he looked down back to his phone. "Too troublesome..." His voice barely a whisper as he started gaming away once more on his phone.

"Eh??" Kageyama felt himself be shocked because how could anyone call such a fun sport like volleyball troublesome?

"Please! You have great potential, with your speed, reflexes, and control paired with my accuracy, we'd be unstoppable!" Kageyama felt himself get ahead of himself but there was absolutely no way he'd let the brewing talent of this student in front of him had, be wasted.

"No thanks."



"Not even if I buy you milk?"

"Not a chance."

Kageyama stood there dumbfounded as he was refused multiple times. He felt like he was getting nowhere with this teen but he wouldn't give up, not when it came to this person.

"Fine, but before you completely disregard the thought of joining, at least watch the practice match we're holding soon!"

A long, exaggerated sigh left the white-haired teen's lips as he yet again lost another game. "If I say yes and watch, will you leave me alone?" His voice held a tone of tiredness and defeat but that didn't bother Kageyama at all as he considered this a win.

"Of course!"

"What a pain," The gaming boy said as he lost his longest game so far. "When is it?"

"On Saturday morning."

Kageyama watched the teen before him twitch at the mention of the day before composing himself.

"Fine, I'll go. Now, leave me alone already."

Kageyama nodded excitedly as he ran away in excitement, not a thought or location in his head other than the prospect of getting to toss to the teen brimming with talent and potential. Never has he felt something like this before but it wasn't an unwelcome feeling.

"I'll get you to join the volleyball club...!" Kageyama wanted to declare in a cool manner before freezing as he remembered one important detail.


Immediately, he went running back only to fall on his back once he slid on the floor like an idiot. Getting up as fast as possible, peered at the staircase he once was only to twitch when he saw no one there.

And just like that, Kageyama Tobio continued to sulk for the rest of the day effectively creeping out all the other students in his class.

— Unpolished gems,
prologue fin~

Hello and welcome to my Haikyuu fanfic!

{Fixed and revised}

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