Chapter 4 ~Shotgun

Start from the beginning

"Because your the only one who doesn't deny that there something up with Harry... He's pretty predictable too. He'll go to that pizza place down the road if he's staying here with a girl."

Gema rolled her eyes." That pizza place is where he always goes with girls, I cold have told you that. Plus, I didn't say that about him exactly. He just seems suspiciously strange."

Louis narrowed his eyes and pointed at the doors of the hotel. "That's her. Clara."

A peppy looking, purple haired girl came skipping gracefully out f the hotel, smiling widely.

Gemma raised an eyebrow."Nice hair."

Louis shushed her.

"Louis, they can't hear us-" Gemma began, but he shushed her again.


Harry unlocked the car with a click of a button. Clementine stopped in her tracks and stared at the car that had just unlocked in amazement.

"Audi R8..." Clementine said to herself quietly as she ran her hand along the smooth surface of the car.

"Yeah, you have any of these in Candy land?" Harry smirked at his own joke.

"Wouldn't call it candy land..." She said, still starring at the car.

Harry climbed into the car and Clementine came in cautiously after him. 

"Harry, these cost more than a hundred thousand grand!" Clementine laughed in disbelief. "I knew you were well settled with your money, but... Jesus, Harry. You've done well for yourself!"

"I guess." Harry shrugged."No money problems anymore."

"I mean, your life must be perfect now!" Clementine smiled widely."I'd have never thought! I always figured you'd end up in some bakery still hanging out with Kyle and have no other means of a social life!"

"Thank you for believing in me. I couln't have gone through life without your snarky remarks. But seriously just leave it, it's not like it's the best thing ever." Harry shruged, stopping the car outside a small pizza place. "So, on a lighter topic, want pizza?" 

"Hawaiian. Say what you want, pineapple does belong on a pizza." Clementine demanded.

Harry got out of the car and Clementine followed pursuit. The only two people in the building were two girls sitting in a corner both. One had the menu pressed against her face and the other was playing with her tangled hair.

Harry ordered the two pizza's to takeout and they both sat down near the counter.

"Uh, I actually took you here to ask you something..." Harry hesitated."You remember Kyle?"

"Pick-the-nose-Kyle?" Clementine giggled."Of course. Why?"

"He got married." Harry scratched the back of his neck nervously."I haven't seen him for a while.. and he wants me to come meet his wife in his new apartment... I really don't wanna put any of the guys through the torture that they would be in coming with me, but I don't want to go alone..."

"Oh hell no!" Clementine exclaimed loudly. The small building went silent and Clementine leaned over closer to Harry."I am not going to meet Pick-the-nose and his little wife!" She hissed.

"Oh, come on!" Harry pleaded."Just this one little thing? Please?"

Clementine glared at Harry before sighing in defeat." Fine. You owe me, Popstar."

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