Chapter 2 - Opportunity

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"A proposition? What do you mean?"

You stare blankly at Price, no idea what on earth he could have meant or what he wanted with you for that matter. You reposition yourself again slightly by shuffling closer to the edge of the bed so your hand wasn't tugging on the fluid line as you sat as you noticed the drip was straining due to how far away you were.

"Well- oh, first. My condolences for the two comrades you lost today. I arrived around the same time you did and your captain informed me you might not be very willing to talk as two of your friends passed away. I hope you're alright."

Price lowered his head and spoke in a softer tone, causing you to tear up slightly as you'd almost forgotten your two friends were gone, or maybe you'd hoped it was a dream. You nod slightly, turning your face away so he doesn't have direct view of your crying face.

"Thank you, Price. I appreciate that." You manage to get out a few words before taking a big sigh to try and compose yourself in front of the company you had. You also didn't want to risk appearing weak or on the off chance if someone came in, you didn't want them to think Price had upset you. "What was the proposition?" You asked again so he can get back on topic and hopefully avoid an awkward silence.

"Oh! Yes, as i was going to say. I want to offer you a spot in my task force. I assume you're familiar with 141?" Price almost gleamed as he spoke, he seemed very excited about the idea of you joining his task force for... whatever reason it was he had for you joining.

"Your face is screaming confusion, kid. Don't worry, i'm not doing this out of nowhere." Price straightened his posture and let out a proud chuckle as he crossed his arms tightly. "You see, a lot of our missions lately have involved explosives that are extremely well hidden. We can't afford to keep losing men because of stray bombs we miss and it's always our guys who are the unlucky sods who set them off"

He lets out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. You can tell by his expression that he feels guilty for losing his men, which is understandable. Most captains would feel extreme guilt when men under their command get killed due to missed explosives.

"I was looking through possible recruits when i saw you use to work with bomb sniffer dogs back when you worked with the police in scotland." Price continued, locking eyes with you as he explains. "So my plan is to have you train a couple sniffer dogs for the base and be their handler. We can provide anything you need and provide you with.. superior conditions to what they have going on here." Price smirked, turning around to check the door just to make sure no one heard his comment.

You blink a few times before ruffling your dark brown hair. "So you want me to move to task force 141's base and become a dog handler?" You realise you're asking back to him what he just said to you but the offer seemed too good to be true. It had to be a trick right?

It was true. That when you were stationed with a police force in scotland, you worked for years with dogs and got very use to working alone side them in your work. The only reason you stopped was because the base you moved too, this base, had no need for dogs, apparently.

"Are you serious about this?" You look up at Price who was still standing at the end of your bed. Nothing about his composure or attitude suggested he was lying but you had to check. "Yes, I'm very serious. I'd be willing  to have you come back with me today if you weren't bed ridden due to the misconduct of your captain." He smiles at you again, moving around your bed to the side closet to you. "May I?" he asks, gesturing to bed, asking if he can have a seat.

"Go ahead" you nod and he sits down gently, making sure not to bother the blanket covering you. "So, what do you think?" Price asks again, clearly hoping you'd give him a positive answer from the look of slight desperation on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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