"I think you don't need to send those anymore BEN...", Jhoanna said as she pointed somewhere to our right, "Smoke means fire so let's go.", she said and we began walking towards the source of the smoke.

"See? I told you we'd find them!", Jhoanna exclaimed happily as we almost reached the source.

"Yeah, but what if it's not them?", BEN asked uneasily. His doubts were soon answered as we heard a voice that a certain blue hedgehog-glitch would own.

"Goddammit Tails! Can you stop fussing around with those?!", Sonic.exe exclaimed angrily to a yellow fox-demon who was... is he stitching dolls??

"Well what am I supposes to do then?! You were the one who got us lost in the first place!", Tails argued. They continued to bicker until Jhoanna decided to stop them.

"Okay okay everybody calm the fuck down...", she said as she ran between them.

"Jhoanna? Man I haven't seen you for quite some time! How's life?", Sonic.exe said as he floated down on the ground to face Jhoanna.

"Still sucks,", Jhoanna said with a grin. BEN sighed in relief beside me as we walked towards their 'campsite', which consists of a bonfire and a log, which what's Tails is currently occupying.

I went to Tails and see that he was sewing some of Sally's warrior dolls.

"Poor guys...", Tails said. He then traced the rip on a doll's torso and orange-glowing thread sew them back together. The glow died down and he placed the doll bacl on the ground. It stood up shook its head and began to walk around the log. I noticed some other dolls behind Tails, which I assumed that he fixed as well. I looked back to Tails as he was starting to fix a doll's arm.

"That's amazing...", I said as I watched him fix the arm using the procedure he used from the first one.

"Not as amazing as you sewing BEN a new arm.", he said without looking up.

I scowled. "How did you-"

"We know lots of things.", he said as he placed the doll back with a newly-sewn arm, "But most of them do not appreciate the abilities of my dolls.", Tails said. I frowned sadly at his words.

Jhoanna brought out some picnic blankets out of her bag and we sat down on it, except for Sonic.exe and BEN, who dragged a log beside the fire so we sat around it.

"What now?", I asked no one in particular.

"Let's go back as soon as possible. That's my vote.", BEN said, "It's not safe for us to stay out here."

"Agree...", Tails said and a couple of dolls cheered with their high-pitched voices. So cute!

"Let's rest for a bit.", I said as I stretched my arms and legs, "I'm tired."

We stared at the fire for a couple of seconds until I started to complain.

"This is boooring!", she said, dragging the 'o' sound, "Sonic.exe tell a story."

"What are you a kid?", BEN asked.

"Maybe... Or maybe I just don't tolerate boredom as much as you do.', I said as I closed my eyes.

"Okay okay okay, once upon a time,", Sonic.exe started.

"There was a princess named Jeffrey Woods.", BEN butted in.

"He was trapped in a tower that Mother Slender placed her in.", Jhoanna said with a grin. Even Tails started to smile.

"She was scared and all alone by herself.", BEN said as he clasped his hands together and made a cute puppy-eyed face.

"But one day changed her life, as Prince BEN saved her from her miserable life!", Jhoanna said as she threw her arms in the air.

"Hey!!", BEN complained. We all laughed, except for BEN and Sonic.exe, who was wearing an unamused expression.

"I thought I was the one who's gonna tell a story...", he said.

I was going to say something until the fire suddenly blew up and almost burned us. We scrambled backwards to avoid getting burned. The fire swirled and a giant torso made of fire formed. It then grew a head with two horns formed on the sides of the head.

"Can I tell a story?", it said, "Once upon a time, there was a group of people called 'Creepypastas'. Take note I used 'was' because they all died. I like that story.", it said as it placed its hand on its chin.

"Zalgo...", BEN muttered weakly. My eyes widened as I looked back at him.

I pushed Fear aside (like on the first chapter? when I was fighting Jeff? Remember Reader-chan?) and stood up to face him.

"What do you want?", I screamed at him. He looked at me and smiled.

"What...are..you..doing?", Jhoanna whispered under her breath.

"Ahh if it isn't the little princess I have been hearing about.", Zalgo said as he bent towards me. I could feel the heat radiating from him, but I stood my ground.

"You're not welcome here, so I advise you to come back from where you came from and leave us alone.", I said in a dark tone.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds, shock, fear and demonic energy mixing in the atmosphere. Zalgo looked quite surprised on my words, then he laughed.

His laughed was so loud I can assure you that it can be heard back at camp. Hopefully, those guys there might wake up and back us up. His laugh threw Sonic.exe back on the ground and uprooted some weak trees. I blocked my myself using my arms and tried to fight the wind.

"Oh you are very amusing aren't you?", Zalgo said, "It is a shame that I will have to kill you, BUT,", he said as he raised his index finger, "We can fix that."

"What do you mean?", I angrily said as I continue to glare at him.

"It's very simple actually. All you have to do is kill the Slenderbrothers for me, then I'll leave you alone. That or you join me kill them. Honestly I'm good either way.", he casually said as he crossed his arms lazily.

I began to giggle, then the giggle became a laugh. I laughed so hard I almost doubled-over.

"What's so funny?", Zalgo said while looking at me laugh.

"Oh my...", I said as I wiped a tear out of my eye, "Did you really expect me to agree to those?", I said, regaining my composure.

I expected Zalgo to get mad, but he simply smiled as he raised his fist and slammed it towards Jhoanna. My eyes widened as the ground cracked, the crack racing towards Jhoanna. A fissure appeared from her feet and she fell down.

"JHOANNA!!!", I screamed. She manage to grab hold as the edge of the fissure. I ran to help her but Zalgo blocked my way using his fiery hand.

"Not so fast princess.", he said as he slammed his other hand to grab me. I dodged his hand and rolled to the other side. I ran to Jhoanna and helped her out, but Zalgo got lucky and managed to grab me. I screamed as he burned through my skin. My vision blackened as heard the clicking of gears and Zalgo shout in annoyance. I felt him drop me on the ground and I heard a scream. My consciousness completely faded away, but not until I heard the ground crack and Zalgo's laugh.


Hahahaha Kitty-chan broke the fourth wall XD

Here's the long-ass chapter I promised you guys. And I'm sorry it took me like 3, 4 days to update. The good news is that my summer classes are over so I don't have to review for the rest of the week. The bad news is that classes are just around the corner and I haven't opened a single book that I am suppose to review.


YOLO I guess... 

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See you in the next chapter!! :)


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