✰Leo🌠Need hcs :)✰

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These are updated sometimes!

Overall Group!

✶ All has matching headphones with ears on them, Saki insisted on giving Shiho one, and Shiho wears them secretly(Shizuku secretly has a photo of her trying it on :O How she took a photo without blowing up her phone, I have no idea.)

Ichika Hoshino

✶ Plays indie games a lot :)

✶ Has a Miku body pillow- refuses to admit it.

✶ Goes to SEKAI everyday just to see Miku.

✶ Sometimes asked why she had all the voicelines on songs and then Shiho said "They favor you lmao." (This is a joke ok don't hurt me ichika stans please ITS JUST A JOKEEE-)

✶ Has a polaroid camera with lots of photos.

✶ Has a Miku shrine secretly hidden in her room.

✶ Cosplayed as Miku on Halloween three years in a row, now finds it embarrassing. Saki has photos.

✶ Despises vegetable juice, yet chugs down Miku's popipo vegetable juice.

✶  Texts normally. 

Saki Tenma

☆ Pretends horror games don't scare her(Watched Megan, avoided dolls for a week straight, despite liking them.)

☆ Still plays dress-up, especially with Emu. Shiho calls it silly, so Emu and Saki forced her to play with them.

☆ Cries herself to sleep sometimes.

☆ Has an extremely large amount of stuffed animals from Toya.

☆ The favorited Tenma out of the two.

☆ Had a time where she hated piano(Like a hissy fit when stuff didn't work out), Tsukasa coaxed her to try it again.

☆ Doctors wrote letters to Saki, pretending they were from others because she was horribly lonely by herself in the hospital.

☆ Saki gave Tsukasa pigtails(and still does) sometimes, and forces him to go outside in them.

☆ Uses lots of exclaimation marks and emoticons during texting.

Honami Mochizuki

✭ Gets lots of money with her job, but never has that much money since she spends it on apple pies.

✭ Insecure about her body, so decided to go out on walks more frequently with Shibao.

✭ Used to like drawing as a kid, but due to her art, sadly gave up.

✭ She brings Kanade fresh pastries sometimes.

✭ (Relates to above) Makes too many sweets, gives them away often.

✭ Used to cry a lot before Saki came back.

✭ Tried to draw a picture of the four of them in the past, Saki has it hung on her wall.

✭ Admires Tsukasa for his boldness.

✭ Uses correct grammar in texts.

Shiho Hinomori

✯ Pretended to get rid of her Phenny plushie.

✯ Doesn't give a frick frack about grammar in texts, makes tons of spelling mistakes.

✯ Has spent a few sleepless nights practicing, Shizuku gives her water and snacks, and sometimes reminds her what time it is.

✯ Had a girlfriend before :O, they broke up after a month or so.

✯ Feminist.

✯ Beat up a kid. Thrice.

✯ Enjoys Shizukus cooking a lot.

✯ Dislikes Shizuku offering help, wants to be independent.

✯ Goes to petting zoos/adoption centers and adores all the bunnies there for hours, caring for them. The bunnies all remember her by now.

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