A Rough Start

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The week passed by quickly with few signs of a new mission for Giyuu, yet he was sure one would come. Any day now he would be called to go out on a mission with Shinobu to clear a nest somewhere near their patrol zones.

Until then he made sure to train Tanjiro enough so that he could handle himself before he left.



Tanjiro charged back at Giyuu for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, his sword flowing like water as he managed to keep his breathing steady after months of practicing.

"First Form: Water Surface Slash"

Tanjiro watched as the water traced his sword, his sword flowing like the water it was based on. Tanjiro smiled as he saw the wooden sword fly successfully toward Giyuu without stopping or sputtering like it usually did.


Tanjiro's smile faded as Giyuu vanished and his world tilted on its axis, his sword still in hand as he braced himself for a rough landing.

Please, please, please, please, please, please...

Tanjiro acted on instinct, his feet barely catching the ground as he stumbled to a stop, barely stopping himself from falling over, balancing on one foot as he came to a standing halt.

I landed! I didn't fa-



Tanjiro yelped as his face planted into the ground, Giyuu's unchanging voice coming from behind him, "Don't get distracted."


Tanjiro's muffled response almost got a chuckle out of Giyuu but he held it back, deciding instead to lift Tanjiro by the scruff of his neck. Plopping back on his feet and observing his grip with searching eyes.

His grip is still tight and his landing is passable...

"Try the second form again..."

Tanjiro looked at Giyuu with wide eyes, gulping before he gave a quick nod and looked at his sword like it was gonna explode.

Please don't mess up...

Tanjiro took a deep breath, tensing his legs as he tried to move as fluidly and strongly as he remembered Giyuu doing.

"Second Form"

Tanjiro jumped and felt gravity take control, Tanjiro pushing past the fading sense of discomfort and letting his instincts guide him.

"Water Wheel"

Tanjiro felt the ground clumsily meet his feet as he landed from the flip, his head whipping back upwards as he stopped himself from falling too far forward.

I didn't fall...

Tanjiro looked at his sword, gaining a smile as he saw the whisper of water fade from its end. The technique is still sloppy and much worse than his first form but he still did it.

I did it!

"Tomioka-San! I did-"



Tanjiro stumbled over his feet as he fell again, this time putting his hands up so he wouldn't land on his face. Closing his eyes, he instinctively prepared himself to meet the ground like he'd practiced the entire week only to be met with air.


Tanjiro slowly opened his eyes, his surprise fading as he looked back and saw Giyuu holding him by the haori so he didn't fall.

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