Surprises pt. 2

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"That was pretty mean of you Tomioka-san."

Giyuu huffed, refusing to meet Shinobu's gaze as he followed her through the town, "It wasn't that mean..."

Shisho used to throw me down a waterfall when I got in trouble... traps are nothing.

Shinobu shook her head, scanning the stores to see if there was anything she could get the girls.

Let's see... ah there it is.

She walked to the nearby stall, dragging Giyuu along as he sulked behind her. Coming to a stop in front of the old man that ran it, "Can I have 6 orders of dorayaki please?"

"Of course."

Giyuu watched the interaction silently, using the banknotes he had packed earlier to pay for the bag of sweets when they finished their interaction.

"Thanks, Tomioka-san, these will be a good gift to get the girls."

Giyuu nodded, his thoughts wandering as he asked, "Do they like it when you get them sweets?"

I wonder if Tanjiro will like them...

Shinobu turned to Giyuu, smirking as she spotted his thoughtful tone, "Ara Ara Tomioka-san, are you planning on getting something for Tanjiro? Is this your way of apologizing for bullying him earlier?"

Giyuu flinched, mumbling under his breath, "It wasn't bullying..."

It was training...

Shinobu stifled a laugh, shaking her head as she and Giyuu strolled through the quiet town, "Well to answer your question, yes they do. We can get him some if you want to surprise him."

Giyuu pondered it for a bit, matching his stride to Shinobu's so he was walking next to her, "I don't think I should do that right now..."

I don't want to reward him after he used Kanzaburo without telling me...

Shinobu sighed as she saw the edge of Giyuu's lips tilt downward, "You know you shouldn't be too mad at him. Even if he didn't tell you about the letter his heart was in the right place."

It also gave me an excuse to see what he was like so win-win.

She hadn't known what to expect when she read the letter, but Tanjiro had surprised her. The kindness that poured off of him was pure, and after seeing it first hand she could see how he changed Giyuu.

Even cold-to-the-bone Tomioka would thaw a little after spending time with him...

She was pulled out of her thoughts as Giyuu spoke softly, "I'm not mad..."

I'm more curious if anything...

Giyuu could admit he probably should have told Tanjiro that Shinobu was a Hashira, but that didn't change the fact that Tanjiro risked someone finding out about Nezuko.

I wonder why he-

"Well that's good, but since you're not going to get him sweets I have the perfect alternative."

Giyuu looked toward Shinobu, sweating a little as he saw her smile with a false sweetness, "We're gonna fill your empty house."

Giyuu blinked in surprise at Shinobu's words, his first thought being a simple one that matched his desires.

Should I try to run?

But Shinobu seemed to catch on to his idea as she looped her arm underneath his, her hand on his elbow to cut off his escape attempt.

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