Part 10: Revival success/Finale (Good ending)

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This plan I've been thinking of for quite a good while now is finally being put into action. I'm happy about that, but I'm worried that something will go wrong. Ex may or may not attack Bandu. That's the thing. It's about a 50/50 with his condition. I attempted not to wait too long, but that might be out of the limits. It all depends on Ex's mindset. Will he give up this chase or will he end it all by finally getting what he wants? It's found here or now. Maybe he will spare him..

I smiled at Bandu before running off to go find Ex. I had just finished a conversation with him about my plan. He thankfully agreed to it but was very hesitant due to him risking his whole life just for this. It might be worth it, it might not.

I eventually found Ex and waved at him. Ex questioned where I was, in which I responded in a light tone. "Doing stuff, that's all. Could I show and tell you a lil something?" Ex nodded. I quietly explained the plan to him, in which he chuckled a bit. That worried me, but it's what I have to work with. He accepted the plan, which not telling him would lead to a higher chance of Bandu's death!

A few hours later, I led Ex to the little area I told Bandu to go. I saw a Bandu there, sitting nervously, in which he instantly stood up at the sight of Ex. When Ex saw him, he snarled a bit, and I calmed him down. I was sweating a bit, since I really wanted this to end. I really did. But its all up to Ex now, and him only. Ex approached Bandu and towered over him, giving his menacing stare. Bandu stared up at him in fear but attempted to look brave. He was failing horribly, clearly.

"Ex. We've been through a lot so I'm giving you a chance to free yourself. Kill Bandu now, or accept him back and free us from this curse we've been in. What's your choice?" I said, giving Ex a stern look to prove I was serious. I really was and wanted this all to end. I hope that's what he chose, freedom.

Ex pulled out his hammer, in which I gritted my teeth at the sight of it. I was worried for Bandu, but also my existence. I won't be able to be alive again if Ex kills Bandu! No more restoration, no more friendship. This will go down in flames, just like our relationship did.

Ex stared intensely at Bandu, eyeing his hammer every so often. Bandu was clearly nervous, and even looked like he wanted to start crying.

After a harsh silence that stung my eardrums, Ex dropped him hammer and sighed.

"I see no point. No point in try to attack. If it for freedom, I want freedom. Anything." Ex said, staring at Bandu with a somewhat guilty gaze. Bandu gasped and ran over to hug Ex. Ex hugged back tightly, which I jumped in joy from this.

In a blink of an eye, I felt- alive! And I was suddenly again! Ex caught ahold of this and lifted me off the ground. He did the same with Bandu and hugged us both. I gave a big smile at Ex and Bandu. "Do you forgive him?" I asked Ex. He nodded quickly. "I forgive him and I never got to say sorry for your eye." Bandu said, giving a solemn gaze at Ex. Ex simply shrugged. "I see better, it fine." Ex placed us both down and gave a proud smile. I responded with a thumbs up at him.

Ill be honest though, this was unexpected! I really thought he was unwilling to change since he was so unstable before, but now- he has a chance to change! And so do I! Maybe, just maybe- we can start over again.


yes this is a good ending

Bad ending is better but this is the canon one

Bad ending Ex looks cool but my friend wanted good so I did good .,.

DRAGGER AU (A story about an insane Expunged)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ