Letting out a loud spine-chilling howl

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Letting out a loud spine-chilling howl

Gila pounced on the Falmer sinking her teeth into its neck and snapping its neck before tearing out its throat in her Jaws and feeding on the fleshy blob then focusing her attention on the dual-wielding Falmer who was charging letting out another Roar she brutally backhanded the farmer with her beastial strength making the Falmer go flying head first into the stone walls with enough force to crack the wall putting her hind leg upon its chest she started tearing its chest open and ripped its heart out and ate it letting out a vicious howl as the group came around the corner to watch Massacre running from one Falmer to the next she proceeded to tear apart any Falmer who was unlucky enough to cross her path. The group followed quickly behind to keep up with her the only sounds to be heard being the incoherent chatter of the panicking falmer along with vicious growling

Upon reaching the final room which hosted the elevator that would lead them out of the ruin there was another platform in the middle of the room with a circular indent on the far side. As the group entered the room Gila stared at her teammate blood still dripping from her canines and her claws standing there for a few moments before she shifted back to her human form taking a deep breath and leaning against the table platform to stabilize herself only to be met by the reassuring arm of Myra who had put Gila's arm over the back of her own neck and her left arm around her back to help stabilize her as she offered her a napkin to wipe the blood off which Gila gratefully accepted. " holy crap, I Guess That's Why They Call werewolf wives heart eaters HAHAHAHA!" Suvvan yelled in his usual manic manner. the group looked around as Sabrina found two bodies in the corner one in imperial armor and the other in steel plate armor an Ebony Mace clutched in the hand of the warrior in the imperial armor. and a spiked shield in the lap of the one in steel plate armor.

as Gentu reached into his bag and pulled out a small Dwarven-looking sphere that fit in the palm of his hand and put it into the slot as a spiral Stairway opened up underneath

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as Gentu reached into his bag and pulled out a small Dwarven-looking sphere that fit in the palm of his hand and put it into the slot as a spiral Stairway opened up underneath. Leading the doorway that opened into a long hallway with another door at the end. Along with a large table and a bench. where a few scattered pieces of dwarven items such as dwarven plates, cups, and cutlery. The group decided to stop and rest for a little bit as gentu collected the items for the group's personal use. it was a few minutes of catching their breath before they proceed through the door and met with a gorgeous sight

The underground cave seemed to be an entirely different world with a central ruin seemingly at blackreaches Center glowing Blue Rocks littered the ground along with large standing glowing mushrooms at least twice the size of a house, regular glowi...

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The underground cave seemed to be an entirely different world with a central ruin seemingly at blackreaches Center glowing Blue Rocks littered the ground along with large standing glowing mushrooms at least twice the size of a house, regular glowing mushrooms, and other fungi littering the walls and the ground. " my goodness, it's as if we stepped into A Whole New World." Myra said in awe taking in the beautiful sight before them. As the group walked down the stairs down onto the checkered Stone path they could make out the distinct sound of those foul chorus nearby. " I will Scout up ahead and see if I can find those pesky overgrown bugs and then I'll take them out before they become a big problem." Said Severin as he pulled out his Daedric crossbow and started sneaking over to one of the tall mushrooms before climbing it using his Argonian tail to wrap around one of the stalks to look around spotting the oversized bugs about two to three meters to the right on the other side of the wall of the group in what appears to be one of those Falmer chrus chitin cages. He climbed back down the giant mushroom and returned to the group, informing them that the chorus was no threat and contained in one of those cages. Nodding the group continued on the path with Gentu taking point due to him having been there before. " so dwarf man where do we start searching first?" Asadelf asked as she equipped her Ebony spellknight helmet upon her head. " let's start with the Dwemer City over there with the big light hanging from the ceiling, then once we've investigated that we can check out the ruins that are around here." Gentu replied looking around. " hey, what are these giant blue rocks that are sticking up out of the ground? They remind me of that staff you have" Sabrina inquired looking toward Gentu. " that's because Sabrina, those blue rocks are solid aethereum." Gentu said turning his head back to look at the Red Guard pirate. " is there any way to mine it? I think your friend would really be honored if you found a way to make more aethereum items." Yamma said to his Smith brother. " only the Dwemer knew how to mine aethereum, and the only reason I only made one piece is that we used the key to the aethereum forge to make it. but wait, if the Dwemer did indeed find a way to mine it they should have kept a record of it somewhere." Gentu exclaimed in thought. " perhaps one would need a specific tool to mine it. much like how stalhrim can only be Mined with an ancient Nordic pickaxe because of the material it's made with." Yamma says as he catches up to Gentu. " or perhaps a unique enchantment of sorts that increases a pickaxes efficiency a hundred-fold " Asadelf added. " both of those theories are very likely the Dwemer were extremely advanced, to quote my old friend Septimus Signus, I may be a genius among men and mer but I'm an idiot child compared to the dullest of the Dwemer" Asadelf giggled softly " yeah I met Septimus Signus myself once at his Outpost about four years ago I was doing some business for the College of Winterhold and I met him." Asadelf said with a smile under her helmet. " whatever the case since this is the site of where aetherium was Mined by the Dwemer, it stands to reason that if this was indeed their main mining operation there must have been an outpost or a Depot where they processed it and thus would have notes or any clues regarding the mining and processing of Aetherium. "Gentu mused aloud as he looked at the group. " well then let us not stay this Expedition longer, let us be off, lead the way my friend," Ebon-shi said with a nod and an Ebony-clad hand on his shoulder. " thank you very much boss, let us head to the main dwemer city first and then once we search that if we come up empty we'll Branch out to the ruins nearby see if we can find anything. All right gang let's move."

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