125| Malfoy Manor

Start from the beginning

''Ooh,'' I laughed in a mocking tone. ''Big words for such an old man.'' My laugh didn't falter at the look he gave me. 

The man walked towards me, his hand gripping my jaw and moving my head so that I had faced his direction. ''Now,'' He started, Bellatrix seemingly amused from behind him. ''I don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours. So, here's a thought, keep your mouth shut and move forward.'' 

I scowled at him, which earned me a sarcastic smile and a shove forward from Greyback. Bellatrix gave me a sickening smile, before she led our group of Snatchers and Gryffindors towards the mansion. The very mansion that only houses Pure-bloods and Slytherins. Funnily enough, Voldemort isn't Pure-blood. 

Guess he's just the exception. 

When inside, we were all lined up. Harry was brought forward to sit on his knees and shown to Draco. I mentally thanked Merlin that Voldemort hadn't came from whatever room he was held in. Or maybe he just wasn't here. Hermione, Ron and I were standing next to each other, the Snatchers standing behind us. 

The next people that entered the room just so happened to be Draco and his Mum. I wanted to break down at the sight of him. He looked pale, bags under his red brimmed eyes. Like he had been crying for weeks and was crying before he came down. It looked like he hadn't been eating as he should've been, alas the barely seeable shaking of his hands. 

His father stood next to the group of Snatchers that held us, the Mother by his side. When Draco stepped forward to look at Harry, I fluttered my eyes closed and prayed to whatever God had the decency to listen to me. 

Bellatrix grabbed a fistful of Harry's hair, jerking his head backwards as he grunted. She looked proud of herself, her wand at Harry's neck as Draco stood a fair few feet away from them. 

''Well?'' She asked in barely a whisper. I could hear her, almost like she was standing right next to me. Now I started to feel bad for Harry. 

''I can't be sure.'' Draco responded. I opened my eyes, instantly landing my gaze on Draco. He shifted his weight, one foot to the other. 

Lucius had swiftly moved toward Draco, harshly gripping his shoulder with a goblet in his other hand. His whole look was disheveled, a stubble across his usually clear face and his hair all over the place. Seems Azkaban didn't do so well for him, huh? Now he knows how Sirius felt. 

''Look closely, son.'' He whispered to Draco. Lucius then glanced back at our group, his eyes landing on me for a little longer. ''If we were the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven.'' He moved to stand in front of Draco. ''It would all be as it was, understood?''

Draco stiffly nodded. I fought against Greyback again, but he didn't let up this time. I really hoped that Draco made the right decision. 

''Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy.'' The Snatcher walked forward, addressing Lucius. 

His voice was quiet at first, but grew louder with each word. ''You dare talk to me like that in my own house!'' 

''Lucius.'' The wife walked forward, trying to calm down her husband. I could see Draco flinch at the sound of his fathers voice when he shouted. What happened when I was gone?

The wife pulled the husband away, who left a lingering touch on Draco's shoulder. 

''Don't be shy, sweetie. Come over.'' Bellatrix sweet talked Draco, grabbing his hand to slowly bring him closer to Harry. ''Now,'' Draco crouched down in front of Harry. ''If this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him. . . he will kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure.''

[✓] 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now