to my dearest love

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february two:
love, i feel invisible...

the mirror has no reflection
of life in my eyes nor any emotion,
i laughed with you through the night,
danced with you under the daylight,
yet, i'm under these circumstances,

love, i feel invisible.

when i touched your hand at the table,
you're colder than the frosty seas,
higher than the icy mountains to everest,
oh dear, in my eyes you're still the sweetest,
but now, i'm about to say,

love, i feel invisible.

because your eyes never lit up that way,
your lips never muttered true love until today,
i never knew you only waited for that day,
'twas last year's accident at the month of May,
the moment i passed away.

: : loveless series || a compilation of tragic lovestories for the month of hearts : :

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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