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Start from the beginning


Jace helped Raphael lay Simon’s body gently on a table. Clary stood next to the body, looking heartbroken with tears in her eyes.
“People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter.” Jace said, staring at Simon’s body then looking up at Izzy and Alec.
“I’ll go.” Alec said, clearing his throat. “I’ll tell ‘em we didn’t find anything. Nobody will come down here.” He said then turned around and left up the stairs.
“I might be a vampire but I was raised a good Catholic.” Raphael said, turning to face the Shadowhunters, his eyes landing on Alyssa. “Hermana.” He said with a smile, which confused the others besides Alyssa.
“Don’t ‘hermana’ me, hermano. You don’t visit for almost a year and I find out you’ve been involved in acts that would have me killing you if you weren’t my brother.” Alyssa said, despite the slight smile on her lips.
“I’m sorry, how do you two know each other?” Izzy asked, pointing at the two of them.
“I met him when I was younger. He used to come by Magnus’ place, having being raised by him and he became a big brother in all but blood to me as I was growing up. But that aside, Raph, what’s going on?”
“The vampires breached the Accords.” Izzy said, glaring at Raphael. “Killing Simon is grounds for war.”
“Izzy, chill, I’m sure…”
“The vampires were not behind this. Just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own.” Raphael defended, glaring at Izzy.
“Speaking of Camille, that reminds me…” Alyssa said, then out of nowhere, punched Raphael across the jaw. “What did I tell you about listening to that bitch and doing everything she says? You kidnapped a mundane under her orders for that stupid Mortal Cup and look where it’s landed you.”
“And how do we even know you’re telling the truth?” Jace asked.
“Oh believe me, he is. If not, he’d be ash right now, big brother or not and he knows that.” Alyssa said, glaring at Raphael.
“I could have gotten rid of him, but instead I brought him here. I don’t want trouble with the Shadowhunters. Or with my hermana for that matter. She is a force to be reckoned with.” Raphael said.
“Smart decision.” Izzy spit out, with a glare.
“I warned the mundane to say away…but Camille gave him a taste of her own blood and like an addict…he came back wanting more.”
“The only reason Simon tasted Camille’s blood is because of you. You kidnapped him. You dragged him to Hotel Dumort. You delivered him to Camille.” Clary snapped, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I never meant for this to happen.” Raphael said honestly. Clary began to sob into Simon’s body. Jace and Izzy looked at her sadly. Raphael took a seat on a bench.
“There is a way.” He said. Alyssa snapped her head at her and narrowed her eyes in realization.
“Raphael, no.” She warned.
“‘A way’ what?” Jace gritted out.
“A way to bring Simon back.” Raphael replied. This caught Clary’s attention and she turned to the vampire.
“You can do that? How? How?” She asked.
“Raphael…” Alyssa said in a warning tone but she was ignored.
“He’s a fledgling. It’s a state of transition. Your friend can be resurrected.” Realizing what he was trying to say, Jace began to shake his head.
“Clary, no.” Izzy also said.
“So I could have Simon back?” Clary asked, ignoring both Jace and Izzy. “Alive and breathing.”
“Minus the alive or breathing part.” Alyssa said, speaking to Clary for the first time since they entered the basement. “He’d be a vampire.”
“And not the sexed up, romantic kind. The ugly, bloodsucking coffin dwelling kind.” Jace said, looking at Raphael with disdain.
“That’s offensive.” Raphael said, raising an eyebrow. “Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now. They’re made of 14-karat gold.”
“My bad.” Jace replied sarcastically.
“Jace, mind how you talk to my brother or I’ll do it for you.” Alyssa warned. “Raph, stop annoying him.”
“It’s almost sunrise.” Raphael said, looking at Clary and standing up. “Simon must be turned into a vampire tonight or staked through the heart.”
“And if I do neither?” Clary asked.
“His soul will be trapped for eternity. You have till sunset to decide- the clock is ticking.” Raphael said.

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