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Yayayay! 4. anyways thanks for watching!


-Ray's POV-

Norman has his hand around my waist. HIS hand around MY WAIST?! Please tell me I'm not dreaming..I didn't even need to say anything cause I already knew that my face was red..Glad Norman isn't seeing it. Ahh! Wait I wanna stay like this forever..I hope noone finds us.. U calmed down after awhile and turned back to check on Norman. He just smiled at me, I just smiled back. After that I felt his grip around my waist tighten. I wasn't gonna say anything tho, I just leaned back into Norman and just stayed like that...I don't deserve this but it's fine.

It's been a few minutes noone has found us..I mean there are more than 20 people- How are they not being able to find us? Don is probably looking everywhere. "Ray" I heard Norman say my name he was whispering just Incase someone could hear us. I gave a 'hm' in response. "Do you feel comfortable?" Norman asked. "Very.." I said while just leaning back more. Idk of my crush on him was being obvious but I couldn't careless.

We heard a faint shout coming from a direction I don't know. "TIME'S UP! NORMAN, RAY YOU GUYS CAN COME OUT NOW!" I was t able to make up who that was, and I didn't put much thought into it. I helped Norman get down safely before going down myself. We walked towards where the other children were. We were greeted by cheers and lots of happy faces.

"UGHH" I heard some sounded frustrated. "How come you always win?!" "You should learn to check your surroundings" I said bluntly. "I DID!" Don shouted back. "Well one please you didn't check where the trees" I rolled my eyes. Don just stood there dumbfounded. I sighed before going inside the house. I saw Norman following me. Norman caught up to me and pulled me into the library.

"Norman? What's up?" I asked trying to sound cool and totally not freaking out. "I liked the position we were sitting on...so I wanted to do that again" Norman said before sitting down and leaning towards the bookshelf like he did with the tree. He pulled me and made me sit the same exact way I did a few minutes ago. Kid me not I was freaking out, I wanted to scream of happiness rn.

Norman nuzzled his head near my neck and I just let it happen. I could feel my face getting hotter by the second. Norman looked up at me when I looked like a fucking tomato. Norman laughed and said, "Ray- you're so red! Pfft- B-But why?" "No reason!" I replied as quick as I can..Come to think of it I should've replied a little later to not raise suspicion.

~Timeskip to a few days later~

I gathered up my wits and courage. I had decided to confess my true love to the person whom I love the most. Norman. That's right...I'll do it! I won't be a wimp anymore! I think..BSJDBKS I'm nervous what if he rejects me? What if he's gonna hate me? Okay..shut up Ray you'll be fine! I swear...I haven't told anyone about my little crush yet...not even mama
... I could tell someone to incourage me but there really aren't good options...Emma will tell everyone! Well don and I aren't really that close...Put mama out of the list, there is no way I'm telling her...ugh this is hard- Gilda? I mean she's nice sweet but still we're not that close. Guess I'm doing this by myself...Ah nevermind I have an idea.

I could just tell Norman that I love someone! Yes Norman is the only person I can trust rn... "Ray!" I got snapped out of my thoughts by an annoying person who is also known as Emma. Okay...Emma is my bestfriend, I can tell her... To uhm not tell anyone. "Earth to Ray?!!" Emma once again shouted. "Oh my gosh, what?!" I said clearly annoyed. "You kept spacing out!" Emma said. Omg...whatever. "I was just thinking something! Now just let me think!" I replied to her going back to my thoughts.Befroe I got back to my thoughts. I heard Emma sigh and just leave. I mean I did tell her to let me think, At least I could. You know what? It's no time to be thinking rn If I don't wanna raise suspicion. It's been a few days since Norman had taken me to the library and I all I can think about is that. I keep thinking that he's gonna do it again! I need to stop daydreaming and get serious. Maybe not today! I'll confess tomorrow! I'm sure of it..wait a moment...tomorrow..then the day after tomorrow..the day after tomorrow is conny's shipment..it's fine..

"Ray" I heard a familiar voice and the voice I had been dreading to hear all day. "Norman..hey" I said smiling and waving at him.

~Normans POV~

I don't know what's going on with me, but lately these days I've been wanting to be with Ray with more than anyone else. I feel warm when I'm with him...My heart races..I'm in love aren't I? After seeing Ray smiling I couldn't help but blush at the rare sight. Ray usually never blushes.

But when he does he looks like an angel that was sent by heaven..I think he wants to give me a heart attack..I don't wanna leave Ray alone ever! I wanna be beside him always
..until we die...But what if Ray gets adopted? We can reunite, right? Hopefully. I sat down next to Ray and just looked at him.He looked confused..but he looked absolutely adorable and noone can change my mind. God I wanted to kiss him so bad but I knew I just had to wait for the perfect moment, maybe tomorrow..I think I'm helpless love rn..I love Ray, I love everything about him, how he looks out for the people he cares about, how he doesn't show it but he loves everyone..every little detail about Ray is enough to get me all over him...


This was just mostly POV's but I liked it- guess what the next chapter is gonna be <333 TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY WOHOO!! EVEN OF IM SICK RN-

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