my best friend and @Austrian_Geomaps

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One day my best friend was stalking some random TikTok accounts and their videos on TikTok when suddenly KitKat found an account named @Austrian_Geomaps so he stalked it all day and night just to find out more about this guy. As the days flew by KitKat decided to tell me all of this and I helped him to stalk our target. Ever since then we have found out that our target sounds like a 11 or 12 year old, has a pussy, has a LOOOT of Xboxes and plays Mario games all day or goes out. One time when KitKat was on his stream he asked Austrian guy „if you have so much money them give me some” and Our Guy answered „i won't give you my money but I will give you my dick” at that moment KitKat and I realized that Austrian Guy IS IN LOVE WITH KITKAT!!  I was so horny from the news that I literally almost jumped out of our window in our classroom from the excitement. Our target also call the people that comment on his videos 'daddy' or 'mommy' and he can speak Czech/Slovak/German and when he speaks German (which my horny bestie KitKat knows) he thinks that he doesn't understand him. I honestly think KitKat deserves soooo much better than Austrian Guy, he would even trade KitKat for a PS5. But then one day . . . It just all suddenly ended, we still stalk him but KitKat doesn't like him anymore, KitKat on the other side wants to be with his cousin which is 7 and rumor has it that Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination he kidnaps us and locks us up and puts up for adoption <3

This story is 288 words and I wrote it just for fun not meant to be offensive or anything, and if u are Austrian Guy then you better say sorry to KitKat because we know that you DID NOT just say that Serbia is Kosovo other than that thanks for reading my horny peppes<3

Two 'Gay' Stalkers that fell in loveWhere stories live. Discover now