f o u r

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As I walk out of the room, I bump into something hard. I tear my eyes from the floor to see what I've bumped into and I'm met with none other than Harry.

"What's wrong?" He questions, holding onto my arm softly to keep me in my current place.

"Nothing.." I mutter and wipe my cheeks to rid the tears. He doesn't speak for a moment and takes his bottom lip between his teeth, toying with it a bit. I shift on my toes uncomfortably, waiting for him to release my arm.

"Something's wrong, Why were you crying?" He continues questioning me, not releasing my arm. I glance down then look back up, my eyes meeting his. "It's nothing, I just heard some things that weren't meant for me to hear," I say quietly and he lets go of my arm. As he does, I take the opportunity to walk past him to find my mother.

Is she my mother? I don't know anymore. Maybe that's why she doesn't like me Because I'm not hers. Maybe I never was.

I turn and walk the opposite direction. I stop in the hallway, trying to calm myself down. I will not cry again, I will not cry. I repeat that to myself a few times before I continue walking. When I enter the living room of Ken's house, everyone is back in the room, chatting among themselves.

"Are we leaving soon?" I ask, getting everyone attention. I look down when I notice everyone's eyes on me. "Because I need to take my pills and I don't have them with me," I say quietly.

"Yeah, We were just saying goodbye to one another," Ken says, faking a smile. I return the gesture, rolling my eyes when he looks away. I see right through his pathetic lies.


The car ride home was short, nothing but silence filled the car as my father drove and my mother sat beside him, her hand in hers. When we arrived home I quickly got out of the car, not saying a word to anyone.

When I enter the house, Claire greets me politely, asking if I need anything. I politely decline and walk to my room, grabbing the small, translucent pill bottle from my desk. The word 'Alprazolam' is printed on the bottle. I take on of the small pills from the bottle and swallow it with a drink of water. I sit on my bed and grab a book, waiting for my anxiety medicine to kick in.

I sit with my legs crossed and slip my black framed glasses on, opening the book. I begin reading and soon become a bit drowsy, due to the pills. A yawn slips past my lips and I shift around on my bed, moving so I'm a bit more comfortable. Sleep soon takes over, causing me to slump down in my bed


I'm woken up by sudden movements, I go to move around, but soon come to find arms wrapped securely around my waist, holding me against a firm chest. I move around a bit, not fully awake.

"What the hell.." I mutter under my breath, my head resting on whoever is carrying me,'s chest. The person smells minty, the scent is very welcoming.

"Shit, I think she's waking up" A British accent speaks, and I feel the person's chest vibrate as the speak. The voice is familiar, Who is it?


Why is Harry carrying me? And who was he talking to?

My heart races as I move and look up, completely unnoticed by Harry. I move around more, causing him to look down at me. "Shit, I'm sorry." He says.

"What's going on?" I say sleepily, still drowsy from taking my medication.

"Nothing, Love. We're just going for a walk." He says casually like this isn't strange. Maybe It's not for him

"Just go back to sleep, we'll be there soon." I almost ask where 'there' is, but decide against it. He continues walking until I feel my body being held against something slightly cool. As I hear a door open, I soon realize it's a car. Why am I being put into a car?

I being to panic and squirm around in Harry's grip. "Hey, calm down. We're just going for a drive." He says a places me in the passenger seat, closing the door for me. He walks in front of the car, getting into the driver seat.

I feel like I should be more panicked, but I'm not. I'm calm. Something is obviously off, and I definitely shouldn't be in a car with harry in the middle of the night, But I feel a sort of comfort in him. He's been nothing but nice to me. I'm emotionally attached to him, yet I know nothing about him but his name.

I sigh and rest my head against the window, watching the dark spring sky disappear into the trees.

"Harry?" I question, causing him to glance over at me for a moment before focusing on the road.

"Hmm?" He hums, raising an eyebrow.

"Did my mum and dad plan this?" I ask calmly, I look over at him, forest green eyes holding sympathy as he remains quiet.

That's enough the answer my question.

"I couldn't just say no to them, el. They were going to ship you off to live with a distant relative, if I said no." His grip on the steering wheel tightens noticeably as he speaks.

"Oh." I can't think of anything else to say. I sink down a bit in the seat, tucking my legs beneath me.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking towards him.

"You'll see."

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