1. Meet

20 1 0

[¤This chapter will include some disturbing images, possible mentions of gore, anf have info about the OC near the end.¤]

1211 words》


I woke up to the sound of my alarm screaming at me to wake up. I smacked the top of it to make it shut up and sheepishly got out of bed.

Should I take a shower...?

"Yeah, I smell putrid. I haven't showered in almost a week now."

I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clean clothes, following that by opening my bathroom door and walking into the small room. I turned on the faucet and grabbed a towel while I waited for the water to warm up.

I felt like I was being reborn when I got under that hot water, it felt how I think having your sins washed away would feel like.
I grabbed some shampoo and scrubbed my hair, I want my hair to be perfect. It has to be perfect, I have to be perfect.
I finished washing my hair and scrubbed my body, my skin turning slightly red from the harsh contact.

When I was done I dried myself off with the towel I provided for myself and got dressed.

"I think I might have enough time to eat and walk to the bus stop" I said, talking to no-one in particular.
I brushed my teeth and my short, brownish-red hair.

I left the bathroom and grabbed my bag, shoving my phone and keys into it as I walked out of my bedroom and into my living room.

I felt a gut stabbing urge to avoid my kitchen right now, as if there was something there I wasn't supposed to see yet.

Hm, maybe I'm not that hungry after all.... sad. I wanted to eat...

I put on my shoes and left my apartment, making sure to turn off the lights and lock the door as I left.

Suddenly everything went cold, it felt like I was being watched. I looked around nervously and saw nothing.

It probably nothing, it is a little chilly this morning so that might be the issue...

I left my apartment building and walked over to the bus stop. There was one other person, I rarely talk to them though.

"Hi, You! How are you?" I asked. I always talk to them when I get the chance to.

"Oh, me??? Uh- I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you???" They seem nervous.

"I'm fine, just a little on edge today. It felt like I was being watched earlier and it freaked me out. Anyway, I'm glad you're doing good! How's the new job at the café??" I didn't want to continue talking about myself, it seems rude.

"Its great! I met some new people over there and my co-workers are so nice!" They seemed excited about this topic.

"I'm glad that everything is going great!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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